On 12.06.2018 00:48, Andre McCurdy wrote:
> On Fri, Jun 8, 2018 at 2:42 AM, Patrick Vacek <patrick.va...@here.com> wrote:
>> On 08.06.2018 10:26, Khem Raj wrote:
>>> On 6/8/18 12:27 AM, Patrick Vacek wrote:
>>>> On 07.06.2018 19:06, Khem Raj wrote:
>>>>> On Mon, Jun 4, 2018 at 2:01 AM, Patrick Vacek
>>>>> <patrick.va...@here.com> wrote:
>>>>>> I have a recipe (aktualizr-hsm-prov) that depends on another
>>>>>> (aktualizr)
>>>>>> to provide an executable and a config file. The former recipe includes
>>>>>> `DEPENDS = "aktualizr-native"`, and my do_install() for
>>>>>> aktualizr-hsm-prov has a line something like this:
>>>>>> aktualizr -i ${STAGING_DIR_NATIVE}${libdir}/sota.conf
>>>>>> The binary executable (aktualizr) runs, which tells me that the recipe
>>>>>> can find that. (Although to be honest, I'm not sure which version
>>>>>> it is
>>>>>> running.) However, it doesn't find the config file, and sure enough,
>>>>>> ${STAGING_DIR_NATIVE}${libdir} does not have the config file I
>>>>>> expect. I
>>>>>> can see that aktualizr-native is populating its sysroot-destdir,
>>>>>> but it
>>>>>> isn't getting copied to the sysroot for aktualizr-hsm-prov.
>>>>>> I see this problem in sumo and master, although previously this logic
>>>>>> has worked just fine in morty/pyro/rocko.
>>>>>> What am I doing wrong? What changed between rocko and sumo?
>>> Can you check location of sota.conf in the build tree for
>>> aktualizr-native in directory called package/
>> Oddly, I do not see a package subdirectory inside the aktualizr-native
>> directory in the build tree. I do see it inside the aktualizr directory,
>> though, and it contains everything that I would expect. Is there some
>> sort of configuration of the packaging system for a native recipe that I
>> haven't done correctly?
> No, what you see is expected - there's no packaging for -native recipes.
> Back to the original problem, I think you should consider the
> aktualizr executable and the sota.conf file as two separate things.
> The host executable should always be provided by aktualizr-native.
> It's less clear what should provide sota.conf - it depends whether
> it's just required for building other recipes (ie like a header file)
> or whether it needs to be present in the final rootfs? If it's only
> required for building other packages, then it should be in the -dev
> package for aktualizr. If it needs to be present in the final rootfs
> then it should be in the default package for aktualizr. Either way,
> recipes which need to find sota.conf in sysroot would then depend on
> "aktualizr". Therefore recipes which need both the host executable and
> sota.conf in sysroot should depend on both aktualizr and
> aktualizr-native.
Actually, after some further research, it appears that my problem is not
entirely resolved. The explanation of packaging and native vs. target
dependencies all makes sense to me and usually works. However, this is
not the case for one specific condition which happens to be part of my
test suite.

One of my tests is to change the MACHINE in my local.conf, add some
additional layers, change some other variables, and then bitbake. Then I
undo that and bitbake again. For the most part, that works fine. In
rocko and before, it worked consistently. But it seems like on sumo and
master, when I do the test by changing the MACHINE and the layers, it
somehow clears out everything in my recipe's work directory, despite
that that recipe is not used by that test. In fact, it removes every
single file in tmp/work/core2-64-poky-linux (but leaves most of the
directories). When I switch back to how it was before and bitbake, most
of the files get recreated or re-copied, but not all. I have to
explicitly run `bitbake -c cleanall aktualizr aktualizr-hsm-prov` to get
things to work again. (Perhaps cleanall isn't necessary, but some form
of cleaning is, and it has to be both recipes.)

Can someone help explain why I am seeing this behavior? I don't
understand why the files get erased, why they don't get repopulated, and
why this was different back in rocko.


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