Just thought I should mention that since Krogoth, BBMASK is actually a list of 
regular expressions, so your example below is better written as:

BBMASK += "${@bb.utils.contains('MACHINE', '<rockchip>', '', 
'/meta-rockchip/recipes-.*', d)}"

(including changing base_conditional() to bb.utils.contains(), and correcting 
the regular expression).


From: yocto-boun...@yoctoproject.org [mailto:yocto-boun...@yoctoproject.org] On 
Behalf Of Ulf Samuelsson
Sent: den 7 juni 2018 17:27
To: Iván Castell <icast...@nayarsystems.com>
Cc: Yocto Project <yocto@yoctoproject.org>
Subject: Re: [yocto] Issue when integrating different bsp-layers on a single 

Maybe something similar to this in local.conf

BBMASK .= "${@base_conditional('MACHINE', '<rockchip>', 
'','|meta-rockchip/recipes-*', d)}"
(did not test)
If there are multiple machines in the meta-rockchip layer, you have to look for 
a unique variable which is true only if a machine in the meta-rockchip layer is 

Best Regards,
Ulf Samuelsson

7 juni 2018 kl. 16:39 skrev Iván Castell 
Hello forum.

I am trying to integrate several BSP-layers for different platforms on a single 
Yocto repository to build a Linux Yocto-based distro for all those platforms 

The idea is maintaining a single bblayers.conf with all the layers available, 
set PLATFORM and DISTRO on local.conf, call bitbake <image> and get the final 
image for that platform.

When setting the "build" directory with a bblayers.conf customized for a single 
platform, each platform builds the image recipe properly.

However, when I have integrated all bsp-layers in a single bblayers.conf, the 
compilation of some platforms has been broken.

The specific problem is this: one bsp layer (meta-rockchip + 
meta-rockchip-extra) defines a recipes-graphics/mesa/mesa_%.bbappend with this 
content inside:

    PROVIDES_remove = "virtual/libgles1 virtual/libgles2 virtual/egl 

That alters gstreamer recipe on the poky layer, getting this error when 
building for a meta-intel platform:

    ERROR: Nothing PROVIDES 'virtual/egl' (but 
 DEPENDS on or otherwise requires it)

My questions:

    - Is a good practice to define a custom bblayers.conf depending on the 
choosen PLATFORM?
    - Is there some any other way to disable a BSP-layer completely when 
building for a different one?
    - Can you suggest a fix to solve this issue?

Thanks a lot in advance! :)

Kind regards.
  -- Ivan

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