You can create three separate recipes that generate three different nginx 
configurations and include one if them in each image recipe.

Best Regards,
Ulf Samuelsson

> 1 juni 2018 kl. 07:46 skrev Damien LEFEVRE <>:
> Hi,
> For the same MACHINE I create the following images:
> - myimage-production
> - myimage-rnd
> - myimage-retail
> The production one has production assisted tools for flashing peripheral HW, 
> testing vital HW components, writing some serial numbers, etc.
> The rnd one has more packages than the retail one just to help rnd work and 
> debugging in device, but none of the rnd image extra packages. 
> The retail one has the final product image.
> I'm using web and FTP servers. I would like for the rnd version of the image 
> to have a different nginx configuration to set the root directory to a 
> development folder, or set an alias.
> Furthermore, I'll have different variant of the device where only the device 
> SW changes but the platform is identical. So I'll end up with 
> - myimage2-production
> - myimage2-rnd
> - myimage2-retail
> I know how to make MACHINE based configuration. How could I do this in my 
> nginx.bbappend based on image name?
> Thanks,
> -Damien
> -- 
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