Before asking this question to YOCTO community, the simplier question
will be to ask if anybody knows any Linux distro (RHEL, Fedora,
Debian, Ubuntu, SuSE etc.), with the feature which can do this?

I am dealing with Linux for years, but such a mechanism did not
see/experience. As well, never found anybody who asked this question
as a such even for the normal distros.

In contrary, it is impossible to expand/shrink dynamically active
(mounted) partitions, AFAIK.

For this to happen, somebody needs to invent the new dynamically
expanding active fs (the feature of it), which can do that.


On Tue, Jun 5, 2018 at 4:59 PM, Mihaela Apetroaie-Cristea
<> wrote:
> Hi,
> Thanks for your answer. However, my question is whether there is a mechanism
> such that the root will keep it’s minimal size, but be able to expand if
> there is free space on the disk when new files are added (not necessarily to
> occupy the whole free space), and shrink back if files are deleted. At the
> moment I am happy to flash it with the minimal size, but it runs out of
> space when I want to add something to the partitions, although there is
> extra space on the disk that it could take. I know the implementation of
> this is complicated, but I am wondering if anyone knows a solution for this.
> Thank you
> On 5 Jun 2018, at 15:50, Iván Castell <> wrote:
> I managed this issue redefining this script in my custom layer (rocko
> branch):
>     scripts/lib/wic/canned-wks/mkefidisk.wks
> and setting a bigger size for the root partition (80GB in my case):
>     part / --source rootfs --ondisk sda --fstype=ext4 --label platform
> --align 1024 --use-uuid --size 80000
> Its not very nice, I know. But yocto can't know the real size of your root
> device until writing the final image.
> I don't know if this is the best way to fix this  but it works.
>   -- Ivan
> --
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