I have been the Yocto Project community manager for over 7 years now, and have 
had the pleasure of knowing or conversing individually with several hundred of 
you. It is with mixed feelings that I must announce that I am stepping down 
from my position as the YP community manager and the Advisory Board chair after 
7 years, as I am taking on a new role in my job. 

I am very proud of the progress that the project has made, growing from a small 
set of build tools into an industry standard for building and working with 
embedded Linux-based operating systems, supporting upstream projects including 
the Linux kernel, hosting projects like opkg, and inspiring many very 
successful downstream projects, including AGL and OpenBMC among many others, 
and also supporting countless configurations of hardware among seven different 
architectures. We have also seen the community of users grow from fewer than 
1000 in 2010 to a large city-sized community, estimated in the tens of 
thousands of developers.

Please continue to participate, collaborate, and come together as a community! 
The Yocto Project is a success because every one of you participates.

Jeffrey "Jefro" Osier-Mixon, Intel Corporation
Open Source Community Ecosystem Strategist

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