I’m building a linux image with an initramfs and a secure root file system 
using a dmverity hash table.  I want to include the dmverity root hash in the 
initramfs.  When building a yocto image, say core-image-minimal, with an 
initramfs, the initramfs is built before the core-image-minimal image is 
deployed.  What I would like is a build order like:

Desired: bitbake core-image-minimal

  1.  build all rootfs packages
  2.  deploy the rootfs
  3.  build the initramfs
  4.  build the kernel
  5.  build the fitimage

Observed: bitbake core-image-minimal

  1.  build all rootfs packages
  2.  build the initramfs
  3.  build the kernel
  4.  deploy the rootfs
  5.  build the fitimage

If the initramfs is built before the rootfs is deployed, I cannot include the 
root hash in the initramfs image.

I’m hoping someone can tell me a better way.

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