
Sorry for stealing your show... Did not want to. :-(

Floor all yours.


On Wed, Apr 25, 2018 at 10:55 PM, Zoran Stojsavljevic
<zoran.stojsavlje...@gmail.com> wrote:
>> Jethro doesn't support Yocto 16.* because it is very old (released 
>> 2015...)...
> Now, I must admit, I have learned something new. Never gave any
> consideration to these releases: example: Pyro 17.0.3.
> But now I understand: it has direct link with Ubuntu 17... Even, YOCTO
> Pyro, as given example, can be substituted with Ubuntu 17.04?! Wow...
> Every day in every way, I'm progressing more and more! ;-)
>> If you want to use Jethro despite the known serious security problems
>> then you'll need to dig out the relevant fixes from the newer releases.
> My question here is: how hard it is? Either to move/rebase complex
> application and some system packages to Rocko (and rebase/revisit
> APIs), either to back-port additional (security) packages from the
> newer releases?!
> Seems lot of hard work, considering both cases.
> Zoran
> On Wed, Apr 25, 2018 at 9:50 PM, Burton, Ross <ross.bur...@intel.com> wrote:
>> Jethro doesn't support Yocto 16.* because it is very old (released
>> 2015, it's been unmaintained for six months now).  If you want to use
>> Jethro despite the known serious security problems then you'll need to
>> dig out the relevant fixes from the newer releases.
>> Ross
>> On 25 April 2018 at 20:36, Oliver Graute <oliver.gra...@gmail.com> wrote:
>>> On 25/04/18, Zoran Stojsavljevic wrote:
>>>> > I try to compile yocto jethro environment which is working
>>>> > on a Ubuntu 14.04 installation. But not on a Kubuntu 16.04 .
>>>> What would be the benefit for the successful compiling of YOCTO Jethro on
>>>> Kubuntu 16.04 over Ubuntu 14.04???
>>> I tried to get my Yocto compiled on a PC of a colleague and his
>>> installation was a Kubuntu 16.04. I've made the experience that often
>>> only additional packages needs to be installed to step over these
>>> compile issues. Sometimes its clear from the debug output but in this
>>> case I have no Idea which packages is missing. On my develop PC and our
>>> Buildserver with Ubuntu 14.04 everything is fine. But I'am afraid that I
>>> can get similar trouble if I update to a newer ubuntu release there too.
>>> Best regards,
>>> Oliver
>>> --
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