Hi Greg,

On 2018-04-17 18:50, Greg Wilson-Lindberg wrote:
I've got a Yocto system that I'm working on that has mysql/mariadb configured but I can't connect to it with MySQL Workbench from another machine. mariadb is running, the network connection is live, but when I try to connect using MySQL Workbench I get an immediate "connection refused" response. I've tried user root, & mysql, same response. I'm using the default configuration from Yocto, so maybe I'm missing something that I should be configuring.

If anybody here has any experience with this I would appreciate any enlightenment you can give me.

By default, mysql only listens on local interfaces. To make it listen on "external" interfaces also, change the "bind-address" setting in /etc/my.cnf on the target, and restart mysql.

// Martin
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