Hi Alex,

Sure. I am hoping the management see the benefits and we could start
working on this. Besides that, I should give them an estimate on how
long would it take implement such thing.

I am clueless about how much effort would it take to add a Win32
MACHINE type. By looking at conf/machine/x86 it seems somewhat easy to
have a, but there could be serious work to be done on the compiler
setup, etc.

Again, while porting some libraries like Qt/OpenSSL/etc would be
straightforward, I wonder how many *base* libraries and tools are
there that must be ported but aren't easy to port.

I am looking for community's opinion to know the difficulties and
suggestions on the way of such big task.


On Wed, Mar 14, 2018 at 12:28 PM, Alexander Kanavin
<alexander.kana...@linux.intel.com> wrote:
> On 03/14/2018 09:56 AM, Isaac Nickaein wrote:
>> Thanks for sharing your experience. It is relieving to see that you
>> have the same perspective.
>> I hope there will be an initiative to target Windows and I will be
>> glad to contribute.
> I don't think waiting for the initiative to happen will get you anywhere.
> Talk to your management, and explain to them that you need time off from
> your 'day job' so that you can do deep research and prototyping into this
> subject. We'll all be happy to hear your findings.
> Alex
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