
On Tue, Mar 6, 2018 at 2:07 PM Burton, Ross <> wrote:

> On 6 March 2018 at 19:48, Giordon Stark <> wrote:
>> where PV=0.2 ( And I see an error on install (full
>> log:
>> | CMake Error at cmake_install.cmake:40 (file):
>> |   file INSTALL cannot find
>> |
>> "/local/d4/gstark/poky/build/tmp/work/aarch64-poky-linux/open62541/0.2-r0/build/open62541.h".
>> So I'm wondering if I screwed up something by using the tarball instead
>> of a clone. I thought I translated it relatively well, and the release
>> matches the hash I was using.
> You can drop the S assignment as that is the default value.

Didn't realize, neat. I knew I needed to set it for `git` clones since it
always throws it into a ${WORKDIR}/git folder.

> Github /archive/ tarballs can and do change over time, which gets very
> annoying when you need to go and change the checksums.

Really? Dang...

> If open62541 don't provide proper tarballs then keep it doing a git clone
> of the sha of that tag.
> My hunch without reading the upstream CMake files is that they don't
> support out-of-tree builds.  If it worked from git then that's another
> reason to switch back.

It seems like this is the case here. I'm ok using git clones for now.

> Ross
Giordon Stark
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