
    The exiting method of automount of udev in /oe-core/meta/ /is using

/automount.rules/ which call / that using //bin/mount/ to mount device.

But systemd-udevd detaches /mount()/ operations done within the service

from the rest of the system with MountFlag=slave, this means host can

not access device. (e.g. Executing /mkfs.ext4 /dev/sda1// prompts

//dev/sda1 is apparently in use by the system; will not make a filesystem here!/)


    Systemd upstream suggest that the best way is to use "systemd-mount"

in udev rules, which will request the mount operation to be executed by PID 1.

And I have tested it was effective.


    The exiting method is designed for /SysV-init /which is not compatible to

systemd-udev, at least that's what I think. So I think that we should design

a new rule or organizational structure to be suitable for systemd-udev and

to mount deferent device. Dose anyone help do this? Or I can make some

improvements on the basis of the existing with "systemd-mount".

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