Current Dev Position: YP 2.5 M2 development Next Deadline: YP 2.5 M2 cut off of 1/15/18
SWAT team rotation: Cal -> Joshua on Jan. 5, 2018. SWAT team rotation: Joshua -> Armin on Jan. 12, 2018. Key Status/Updates: · 2.3.3 and 2.4.1 are likely due to imminently release, we tracked down the performance regressions to some kind of infrastructure issue which is still being investigated. · The automated testing issues have mostly been resolved now and this has meant we’ve run a series of builds for master and the stable release branches. As such, the backlog of patches against morty, pyro, rocko and master are substantially reduced after this weekend. · Armin’s help with the stable patch queues is much appreciated. · Due to testing problems with 2.5 M1 rc1, particular from the qemu APIC hangs, we have put a new build, rc3 into QA. The QA of YP 2.5 M1 rc3 is about 2% complete. See: · We’re aware there are some serious security issues around at the moment. We’ve been stalled partly as maintainers are returning from vacation, partly as fixes are only now becoming available. As fixes are available we will waterfall these into the branches. One of the reasons we’ve focused on clearing the other patches queued is so we can quickly test and merge these and then proceed with another set of point releases. Planned upcoming dot releases: YP 2.4.1 (Rocko) rc1 is out of QA, and should be released this week. YP 2.3.3 (Pyro) rc1 is out of QA, and should be released this week. YP 2.2.3 (Morty) rc1 is in QA, see Key YP 2.5 Dates are: YP 2.5 M1 rc1 is in QA, see above link. YP 2.5 M2 cut off of 1/15/18 YP 2.5 M2 release of 1/26/18 YP 2.5 M3 cut off of 2/19/18 YP 2.5 M3 release of 3/2/18 YP 2.5 M4 cut off of 4/2/18 YP 2.5 M4 release of 4/27/18 Tracking Metrics: WDD 2700 (last week 2764) ( Key Status Links for YP: [If anyone has suggestions for other information you’d like to see on this weekly status update, let us know!] Thanks, Stephen K. Jolley Yocto Project Program Manager INTEL, MS JF1-255, 2111 N.E. 25th Avenue, Hillsboro, OR 97124 • Work Telephone: (503) 712-0534 • Cell: (208) 244-4460 • Email:
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