-----Original Message-----
From: Alexander Kanavin [mailto:alexander.kana...@linux.intel.com] 
On 01/08/2018 11:14 AM, Diaz de Grenu, Jose wrote:

> Nope, 'exit 1' is the currently correct way to defer to first boot. On the 
> other hand, it's also a correct way to indicate that the script has failed, 
> and rpm is right in reporting it as such.  This is a design defect in Yocto, 
> and I plan to fix it, so that instead you would simply write your fragment as 
> follows:
> pkg_postinst_ontarget_PACKAGENAME() {
>        # Actions to carry out on the device go here
>        ....
> }

Thanks for the information. I guess this fix will be for Yocto 2.5?

The problem is that in Yocto 2.4 then any build which requires on-target 
postinstallation script is going to trigger warning, even if it is completely 
correct. Is there no way around this? Is there a way to at least hide them?

Thanks again.
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