2017-12-14 9:41 GMT+01:00 Andreas Müller <schnitzelt...@gmail.com>:
> On Thu, Dec 14, 2017 at 2:58 AM, Sherif Omran <sherifomran2...@gmail.com>
> wrote:
>> hey guys,
>> any body tried the real time kernel? I get an error, it is snot in the
>> compatibility list.
>> can we skip it?
>> thanks
>> --
> Good news: I use RT kernel only together with VC4 graphics and have lots of
> fun on PI2/3.
> Bad news: As far as I know it is not in meta-raspberrypi but in my fork [1].
> There were attempts to land the RT-patches in meta-raspberrypi but that was
> denied for huge patch size :(

If the patch size was the only problem one can pull it by doing the
following in the recipe:

SRC_URI += " \

SRC_URI[rt-patch.md5sum] = "9caa7b541d8c84c2d5c5f58985982e95"
SRC_URI[rt-patch.sha256sum] =

Note that above sums are "random" and not the for the actually file
but are there for reference.

That way you do not need to keep a copy of it in meta-raspberrypi.

Med Vänliga Hälsningar / Best Regards

Mirza Krak
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