2017-12-11 12:55 GMT+01:00 Paul Barker <pbar...@toganlabs.com>:
> Hi all,
> As a quick announcement, the layer documentation for meta-raspberrypi
> is now available on Read the Docs:
> http://meta-raspberrypi.readthedocs.io/en/latest/
> The latest documentation is shown by default and covers the master
> branch. Using the version box in the bottom right corner of the page
> you can also switch to the rocko or pyro versions. This is
> automatically updated whenever changes are pushed to the documentation
> in meta-raspberrypi.
> Raspberry Pi seems to be a very common platform for newcomers to
> OE/Yocto and so I think it's really important that this layer is well
> documented and is easy to use. Please submit pull requests or open
> bugs if you think any of the documentation can be improved.
> We use Sphinx (http://www.sphinx-doc.org/) plus Read the Docs
> (https://readthedocs.org/) integration for this which I think is a
> pretty good setup for layer documentation in general. If anyone wants
> more details so they can do something similar for another layer then
> please let me know!

Great work and this will definitely be appreciated by all the
meta-raspberrypi users.

One little thing though, the current "theme" used which I assume is
the default Sphinx theme is not optimal IMO.

readthedocs does apply its own default theme [1] if you do not provide
one in your custom conf which looks much better (that is the look that
docs.readthedocs.io has) which is easier to read and navigate. I
believe that most developers are familiar with it as many other
projects that host documentation on readthedocs use this theme
(including the Linux kernel and more).

[1]. http://docs.readthedocs.io/en/latest/theme.html?highlight=theme

Med Vänliga Hälsningar / Best Regards

Mirza Krak
yocto mailing list

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