On Thu, 16 Nov 2017 05:06:30 -0500
Paul Knopf <pauldotkn...@gmail.com> wrote:

> I want to store/fix AUTOREV values for production builds. I saw
> BB_CACHE_POLICY, but the format (sqllite) isn't something that can be
> checked in.
> Let's say I have an image:
> bitbake my-image
> How do I detect any dependency that is using AUTOREV?

would this tool be useful for your needs? I do not fully grasp what you want to 

You can use the buildhistory-collect-srcrevs command with the -a option to 
collect the stored SRCREV values from build history and report them in a format 
suitable for use in global
configuration (e.g., local.conf or a distro include file) to override floating 
AUTOREV values to a fixed set of revisions. Here is some example output from 
this command: 

     $ buildhistory-collect-srcrevs -a
     # i586-poky-linux
     SRCREV_pn-glibc = "b8079dd0d360648e4e8de48656c5c38972621072"
     SRCREV_pn-glibc-initial = "b8079dd0d360648e4e8de48656c5c38972621072"
     SRCREV_pn-opkg-utils = "53274f087565fd45d8452c5367997ba6a682a37a"
     SRCREV_pn-kmod = "fd56638aed3fe147015bfa10ed4a5f7491303cb4"
     # x86_64-linux
     SRCREV_pn-gtk-doc-stub-native = "1dea266593edb766d6d898c79451ef193eb17cfa"
     SRCREV_pn-dtc-native = "65cc4d2748a2c2e6f27f1cf39e07a5dbabd80ebf"
     SRCREV_pn-update-rc.d-native = "eca680ddf28d024954895f59a241a622dd575c11"
     SRCREV_glibc_pn-cross-localedef-native = 
     SRCREV_localedef_pn-cross-localedef-native = 
     SRCREV_pn-prelink-native = "faa069deec99bf61418d0bab831c83d7c1b797ca"
     SRCREV_pn-opkg-utils-native = "53274f087565fd45d8452c5367997ba6a682a37a"
     SRCREV_pn-kern-tools-native = "23345b8846fe4bd167efdf1bd8a1224b2ba9a5ff"
     SRCREV_pn-kmod-native = "fd56638aed3fe147015bfa10ed4a5f7491303cb4"
     # qemux86-poky-linux
     SRCREV_machine_pn-linux-yocto = "38cd560d5022ed2dbd1ab0dca9642e47c98a0aa1"
     SRCREV_meta_pn-linux-yocto = "a227f20eff056e511d504b2e490f3774ab260d6f"
     # all-poky-linux
     SRCREV_pn-update-rc.d = "eca680ddf28d024954895f59a241a622dd575c11"


> I'd like to generate a dynamic.conf file that fixes the SRCREV values for
> relevant packages.
> I guess I could do a normal build, then read the sqllite database, and
> generate a .conf from it. Does this sound feasible?
> Any other strategies?
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