I need to add a systemd service that needs no additional sources
compiled, but just needs an available command executed at boot.

I've created a basis for the recipe in my layer:

|-- files
|   `-- btattach-nrf-acm.service
`-- nrf52-usb-systemd.bb

together with a recipe template (nrf52-usb-systemd.bb)
for which I don't know if works yet.

  SUMMARY = "Writes patterns to the fb device"

  inherit systemd


  SRC_URI = "file://btattach-nrf-acm.service"

  do_install () {

      install -m 0644 ${WORKDIR}/btattach-nrf-acm.service

  SYSTEMD_SERVICE_${PN} = "fb-draw.service"

I'm not sure I got the install command right and
if the service file is making it way to the proper location.

Instead of building the whole image, flashing and checking
it out, I would like to test how devtool could help here.

I execute:

devtool build nrf52-usb-systemd

this results in a creation of a workspace with the sources files.
What I am not seeing is a creation of a device sysroot which would
show me that the do_install was correctly written.

Given that the device sysroot directory on the host would be called
"sysroot" was hoping to be able do confirm that the following took

${D}${sysconfdir}/systemd/system -> .sysroot/etc/ssytemd/system

and confirming there is a


Is this possible with devtool, or am I misinterpreting
what it's purpose is?
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