I think this remark in the referenced link is the best summary of "what could be improved":

"""the biggest weakness of the sstate signature bits, in my opinion, is that it only tracks inputs, not outputs. If task A depends on B, and the metadata input to B changes, then A will be rebuilt, even if the *output* of B didn't change as a result of the change to its metadata."""

For example, if someone fixes a bug in gcc that only applies to MIPS, then builds that only target an ARM machine shouldn't be affected. Much worse than that, I have a dependency like:
gcc -> ... -> python -> bitstream tool -> FPGA image

so this means that a change in gcc causes Python to rebuild, which causes the bitstream tool to be rebuilt and produce idential output, and that triggers a roughly 31-hour build of lots of FPGA images. These are the ones we really want to break. A binary output compare would help a lot, even if 80% of the libraries fail to create reproducible output, I may still be spared those 31 hours...

I think tracking digital output is technically feasible, and won't require any change to existing recipes.

Also think about "feed" setups. When I see my settop reporting "331 packages need updating"... It'd be great if that could be avoided.

On 01-07-17 09:48, Martin Jansa wrote:
I haven't tried the patches, but I really like this idea (I was suggesting something like that since 2011 http://permalink.gmane.org/gmane.comp.handhelds.openembedded.core/10327) and I'm glad you weren't discouraged attempting to do this.

It also implements 3) b) idea from https://bugzilla.yoctoproject.org/show_bug.cgi?id=5970 , you might be interested read that ticket.


On Fri, Jun 30, 2017 at 11:48 AM, Michael Ho <michael...@bmw-carit.de <mailto:michael...@bmw-carit.de>> wrote:

    Hi, at BMW Car IT we are working on an experimental feature to improve 
    cache hits and we are looking for comments on the approach who might have 
    insights to the problem and seeing if anyone is interested in the feature 

    The sstate-cache of a recipe is tied closely to its build dependencies, as 
    signature generated for a task includes all parent task's signatures as
    part of
    the signature information. This means that when changes occur in the parent
    recipes, even if insignificant, all children recipes that have valid sstate
    cache must invalidate their sstate cache objects.

    What this patchset does is propose to add another optional variable to
    CDEPENDS, which acts like DEPENDS for all RunQueue purposes but for 
    generation it excludes any parent tasks that come from dependencies listed 
    it. This is to break the signature change domino effect.

    This patchset also proposes modifying RunQueue to then be able to run a
    compatibility checker during task execution phase for recipes and tasks
    that use
    CDEPENDS and allow for deciding to re-execute a task despite being covered 

    The patchset is based on the jethro branch for the poky repository, as this 
    the branch that we are using.  If the general idea sounds good, we can
    porting it to master.

    Included is an patch that adds an example recipe and compatibility checker,
    where compatibility is based on the file checksums of the parent recipes
    packages. An example recipe, cdepends-test1, generates a compatibility 
    containing the file checksums of all files that it packages and which file
    they are at. Another recipe, cdepends-test2, can then strip this 
    report to the minimal files it needs to be consistent and can compare the
    checksums it used to configure/compile/install with and if they have 
    trigger a rebuild. If not, the previous version restored from sstate-cache 

    We are still experimenting with the usages of this, including the use of
    abi-compliance-checker to compare the ABI of shared libraries as a
    checker during RunQueue and using the results to avoid rebuilding child
    when the .so files they depend on are still compatible. Example use cases of
    this are allowing recipes which provide multiple shared libraries to change 
    single .so file without rebuilding all its children that depend on the other
    shared libraries but not the one that changed.

    We're aware of the SIGGEN_EXCLUDERECIPES_ABISAFE feature but feel it
    didn't meet
    the feature requirements of what this compatibility checker callback is 
    although maybe when porting to master we could refactor to make better use 
    the work already done there. The current implementation is a bit hacky but
    comments would be appreciated in regards to if the concept is feasible and 
    people are interested in making use of it and their use cases.

    Kind regards,
    Michael Ho

    BMW Car IT GmbH
    Michael Ho
    Spezialist Entwicklung - Linux Software Integration
    Lise-Meitner-Str. 14
    89081 Ulm

    Tel.: +49 731 3780 4071 <tel:%2B49%20731%203780%204071>
    Mobil: +49 152 5498 0471 <tel:%2B49%20152%205498%200471>
    Fax: +49-731-37804-001 <tel:%2B49-731-37804-001>
    Mail: michael...@bmw-carit.de <mailto:michael...@bmw-carit.de>
    Web: http://www.bmw-carit.de
    BMW Car IT GmbH
    Gechäftsführer: Kai-Uwe Balszuweit und Alexis Trolin
    Sitz und Registergericht: München HRB 134810


Kind regards,

Mike Looijmans
System Expert

TOPIC Products
Materiaalweg 4, NL-5681 RJ Best
Postbus 440, NL-5680 AK Best
Telefoon: +31 (0) 499 33 69 79
E-mail: mike.looijm...@topicproducts.com
Website: www.topicproducts.com

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