On 10 September 2017 at 12:00, Chris Tapp <opensou...@keylevel.com> wrote:

> I have a similar spec, except I use an SSD for the build area and only
> 16GB RAM (I don’t see more than about 12GB used during a build) - a build
> from scratch (excluding download time) takes just under an hour.

The thing to remember with SSDs is that builds can write *a lot* of data
and this can destroy SSDs faster than you'd like.

Personally I find lots of RAM more cost effective.  If you've got a
moderate amount then a slow commit time in fstab lets the kernel batch
writes wisely.  If you've got plenty of RAM (my machine has 64GB) then a
good sized tmpfs (32GB here) mounted at TMPDIR (the local.conf setting, not
/tmp) in with rm_work means you literally have no I/O latency.  To persist
files either copy them out or for example set DEPLOY_DIR to a real disk.

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