Ferry Toth wrote:

> Khem Raj wrote:
>> On 8/22/17 11:41 PM, Ferry Toth wrote:
>>> I am having trouble building a specific U-Boot version with Yocto.
>>> Outside of Yocto on 64 bit Ubuntu 17.04 with multilib it builds fine.
>>> I am extending meta-intel-edison to build a 64 bit Poke Morty, with a
>>> vanilla 64-bit kernel (4.12). This is working quite well.
>>> My host is x86_64, the target is core2 with tune=core-64.
>>> Without 64bit tune I can build U-Boot fine. With 64bit it can not link,
>>> appearently because it needs lbgcc.a
>> what is exact error message ? is it while compiling host bits or target
>> bits ?
> The failing line is:
> x86_64-poky-linux-ld.bfd -Bsymbolic -Bsymbolic-functions -m elf_i386
> --emit- relocs --wrap=__divdi3 --wrap=__udivdi3 --wrap=__moddi3
> --wrap=__umoddi3 -- gc-sections -pie -Bstatic --no-dynamic-linker -Ttext
> 0x01101000 -o u-boot -T u-boot.lds arch/x86/cpu/start.o --start-group
> arch/x86/cpu/built-in.o arch/x86/lib/built-in.o
> board/intel/edison/built-in.o cmd/built-in.o common/built-in.o
> disk/built-in.o drivers/built-in.o drivers/dma/built-in.o
> drivers/gpio/built-in.o drivers/i2c/built-in.o drivers/mmc/built-in.o
> drivers/mtd/built-in.o drivers/mtd/onenand/built-in.o
> drivers/mtd/spi/built- in.o drivers/net/built-in.o
> drivers/net/phy/built-in.o drivers/pci/built- in.o
> drivers/power/built-in.o drivers/power/battery/built-in.o
> drivers/power/domain/built-in.o drivers/power/fuel_gauge/built-in.o
> drivers/power/mfd/built-in.o drivers/power/pmic/built-in.o
> drivers/power/regulator/built-in.o drivers/serial/built-in.o
> drivers/spi/built-in.o drivers/usb/common/built-in.o
> drivers/usb/dwc3/built- in.o drivers/usb/emul/built-in.o
> drivers/usb/eth/built-in.o drivers/usb/gadget/built-in.o
> drivers/usb/gadget/udc/built-in.o drivers/usb/host/built-in.o
> drivers/usb/musb-new/built-in.o drivers/usb/musb/built-in.o
> drivers/usb/phy/built-in.o drivers/usb/ulpi/built-in.o dts/built-in.o
> fs/built-in.o lib/built-in.o net/built-in.o test/built-in.o
> test/dm/built-in.o --end-group arch/x86/lib/lib.a -Map u-boot.map ERROR:
> oe_runmake failed arch/x86/lib/built-in.o: In function `__wrap___udivdi3':
> /home/ferry/tmp/edison-intel/my/edison-
> morty/out/linux64/build/tmp/work/edison-poky-linux/u-boot/edison-v2017.03-
> r0/git/arch/x86/lib/gcc.c:25: undefined reference to `__normal___udivdi3'

I as believe the missing lib is libgcc.a I just my sysroot and found it 

How compile log shows:
NOTE: make 
-j8 CROSS_COMPILE=x86_64-poky-linux- CC=x86_64-poky-linux-gcc  
-O2 -pipe 
-C /..../out/linux64/build/tmp/work/edison-poky-linux/u-boot/edison-
v2017.03-r0/git O=/..../out/linux64/build/tmp/work/edison-poky-linux/u-
boot/edison-v2017.03-r0/build edison_defconfig

(.... my edits to shorten the uninteresting part of the path)

I would think: --sysroot points to /edison dir which actually contains 
libgcc.a, but -i, _l and -W1 options point to host dirs that don't have the 

>>> I attempted to add multilib, but although that immediately exposed bugs
>>> in other recipes but actually adds libgcc.a, it does that for the target
>>> sysroot only.
>>> And for some reason, U-Boot is built with the native gcc (x86_64-linux),
>>> and multilib does not add libgcc.a to that sysroot.
>>> So, how do I add multilib to -native sysroot, preferably only to -native
>>> and not to the target, as the target has not further use for it?
>>> Strangest thing is in u-boot.inc there is:
>>> But when I check my log file:
>>> NOTE: make -j8 CROSS_COMPILE=x86_64-poky-linux- CC=x86_64-poky-linux-
>>> gcc  ......
>>> So TARGET_PREFIX resolves to x86_64-poky-linux, but I think my target is
>>> core2_64 (or something like that). Is that normal for U-Boot?
>> thats ok.
>>> I am a little lost, so any help would be greatly appreciated!
>>> Ferry
>> --
> --
Ferry Toth
Oranje Plantage 35

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