On 14-08-17 21:10, Gunnar Andersson wrote:

Hey Russell

I don't claim to be an authority on best practices but I will share some

On Sun, 2017-08-13 at 06:58 -0400, Russell Peterson wrote:

As I learn more about yocto and more importantly gain practical experience
with it I have started to think about my release structure.  Is there a
“best practices” document or something like that that speaks to this?
For example, how does everyone deal with “external” meta layer
dependencies?  My software uses poky and meta-openembedded, of course.

We simply use a parent project [1] that includes git submodules, one per
yocto layer.  I'm of the opinion that if git (only) can be used, why
introduce other tools?   But it requires you to learn and master that

We arrived at exactly the same setup. One parent repository that contains the project-unique recipes, and submodules for the layers it needs.

It's a lot better than attempting to script things. For one thing, git will tell you the state of the submodules.

If I rembemer correctly, Android builds use a tool to manage the layer repositories. I didn't much like it though. And "yet another tool"...

Kind regards,

Mike Looijmans
System Expert

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