On 07/03/2017 08:49 AM, s.jar...@esa-grimma.de wrote:
Hej ho

my Workflow for adjusting uboot (u-boot-at91):

1.) build the original uboot
2.) apply changes
3.) create patch
3.1.) if you reconfigure it -> save/copy the config
3.2.) if you adding code -> use meld or something similar to create a patch
4.) create u-boot-at91_%.bbappend
4.1) copy patch/config into that recipe dir
4.2) check u-boot-at91_%.bbappend paths etc.
5.) rebuild

I you mess to much around in /tmp/work*** you should use "-c clean"/"-c cleanall" to reset it


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Von: Prasoon Kumar <prasoonkumar1...@gmail.com>
An: yocto@yoctoproject.org
Datum: 03.07.2017 08:34
Betreff: [yocto] How to make changes and build u-boot source code in yocto
Gesendet von: yocto-boun...@yoctoproject.org

Hi Prasoon,

I am trying to make some changes in u-boot code and using bitbake u-boot to build. But it doesn't build. I also tried bitbake u-boot -c compile and bitbake u-boot deploy. This also didn't work.

Can I Get some help on how to change and build u-boot.

You may also take a look at devtool [1] when you are in phase of trying something out. Creating patch and bbappend file is indeed proper and final solution, but in development phase can take up much more of your time. In fact, you could use devtool to create patches and append file as well.

In short, devtool uses local source code to build from instead of fetching from mirror every time.
To use it:

1. Following command will extract and patch git repo in specified path:

  devtool modify -x u-boot ~/projects/poky/build/u-boot-devtool

2. Make some changes in source code.

3. Rebuild given recipe:

  devtool build u-boot

4. You can add some commits inside `u-boot-devtool` directory and update recipe 

  devtool update-recipe u-boot

  It will create patch from each commit and automatically add them to 
  directory and recipe file. For example:

  NOTE: Adding new patch 0001-test.patch
  NOTE: Updating recipe u-boot_2016.03.bb

5. When work with temporary source directory is done, run:

  devtool reset u-boot

Se attached link for more information

[1] http://www.yoctoproject.org/docs/latest/dev-manual/dev-manual.html#using-devtool-in-your-workflow

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