
I created a yocto group and user for performing these builds.

The yocto user has the basic Ubuntu default account ( comes from a simple useradd ... )

I verified that this user is able to perform the exact same bitbake -c devshell gettext that fails for other username ( same exact location on the filesystem after a sudo chgrp -R yocto $directory && sudo chmod -R g+rw $directory ).

I'm guessing something is going wrong with the fakeroot command as I'm now seeing the terminal show up for just a second and then close when I try running this devshell as my original username.

I'm not sure which setting in my bash shell is causing this error so I'm all ears for any suggestions.


On 06/15/2017 01:47 AM, Paul Eggleton wrote:
On Thursday, 15 June 2017 5:12:19 AM CEST Gary Thomas wrote:
On 2017-06-15 01:58, Jimi Damon wrote:
I'm trying out two different yocto distributions and in each one the
devshell doens't work. Instead it just gets to the
Summary line and returns to my normal shell ( bash ) .
What are you expecting to happen?  'devshell' is just that - a shell
environment (e.g. bash) where you are set up to "develop" (tinker, explore,
etc) the given recipe.
I think Jimi is saying that it doesn't appear to be launching a separate
terminal / shell. Right?

Assuming that's what's happening, the devshell code is supposed to print out
an error when it can't launch a suitable terminal, but if the terminal isn't
doing what it should then that might leave you in this situation. Does
log.do_devshell for the recipe indicate anything?


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