On Wed, Jun 7, 2017 at 11:41 PM, Craig McQueen
<craig.mcqu...@innerrange.com> wrote:
> I have a Mono app that uses DllImport to load some functions from libraries. 
> The app can't find the libraries unless I create a Mono config file 
> containing dllmap lines to map the library's plain "DLL" name (e.g. "foo") to 
> the real name of the .so file (e.g. "libfoo.so.4").
> * What would be a good way in the .bb recipe to automatically create the 
> required Mono config file? It would need to find the "real" names of the 
> library files from the library(s) build output. So it would DEPENDS on the 
> library(s).


> * Is it better to create a local config file, or write it into 
> /etc/mono/config? (My Mono app has the DllImports in a compiled DLL, and so 
> far I've found that I need to create a local MyDll.dll.config file; making a 
> MyApp.exe.config file doesn't work.)

as long as it stays unique in rootfs you should be fine.

> * Alternatively, the Mono app can find the libraries if plain libfoo.so 
> symbolic link to libfoo.so.4 exists in the rootfs. But this symbolic link 
> normally is only in the libfoo-dev package, not the libfoo package. Is there 
> some reasonable way to create and install the libfoo.so symbolic links on the 
> rootfs?

.so are considered used for development so its usually a symlink to real
versioned .so or its a linker script in some projects. The default packaging
rules therefore considers it so as well. This is as I said most common case
but then there are packages where they use .so ( unversioned name) usually
dlopen/ cases ( e.g. gstreamer plugins )

> --
> Craig McQueen
> --
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