> I should give you a heads up: we (the yocto project) are going to remove qt4
> builds from the autobuilder altogether, sometime during this cycle. The repo
> will stay, and patches will be accepted though.

Thanks for the heads up.

> So it's up to you to solve these issues, but I wouldn't want to take
> patches that fix up older releases, while the master branch remains broken.
> We have a 'master first' policy :)

master first makes sense if master is going to be supported going
forward, but given the extremely stale state of qt4, I don't expect
we'll be able to keep it working (at least as a complete unit) for
very much longer. And we probably shouldn't :) . At some point there
is going to be a last release that works with qt4, forever.

Would it be reasonable to disable icu usage in meta-qt4 master while
switching pyro & morty to using the icu-native package?
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