On 30 May 2017 5:08 p.m., "Khem Raj" <raj.k...@gmail.com> wrote:

On Tue, May 30, 2017 at 12:57 AM, Martin Jansa <martin.ja...@gmail.com>
> * use latest revision in rpi-4.11.y branch
> * using AUTOREV causes bitbake to run git ls-remote on the github.com
repository in order
>   to convert AUTOREV to currently latest SRCREV even when you don't use
>   at all, just happen to have meta-raspberrypi layer in your
bblayers.conf, that's bad for
>   people who want to be able to build without network access (completely
from premirror)

These branches get rebased often so locking SRCREV caused another
kind of problem. what we can do is.

1. Let user like you override the SRCREC via a bbappend or conf file.
so change the assignment to ?=
2. Delete the recipe completely. We lose some of upstream testing.

We should be able to skip the recipe if it isn't selected as the preferred
version and/or provider of "virtual/kernel". I'm out at the minute so can't
look at it now but will try to take a look later this week.
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