On Thu, May 18, 2017 at 1:11 PM, Koehler, Yannick (HPN Aruba)
<yannick.koeh...@hpe.com> wrote:
> In our environment, we have package that are store inside git in their own
> repo. Using SRC_URI we fetch the code and build it from the git repo itself
> and all is fine. When developer wants to change the content of the package,
> they had to clone, change, commit, push and only then they were able to test
> because yocto recipe clone/fetch from the git server only.
FWIW, our devs keep their own private bitbake layers that they add
locally to bblayers.conf. In these layers they add .bbappends that
override the SRC_URI for recipes they are interested in to point at
local repositories.
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