Hi all,

I'm currently attempting to build a raspberry pi image, which I can use to 
develop QT5 code for a beaglebone black.

Everything is going well and I have got toaster successfully compiling a 
rpi-sdimg of "rpi-basic-image" which I have added "xserver-xorg xinit openbox 
packagegroup-lxde-extended qtbase" to the IMAGE_INSTALL_append line.

However as soon as I add "qt5-creator" to the IMAGE_INSTALL_append line and run 
"rpi-basic-image" again, I get the following error...  Failed tasks - qtwayland 
do_compile <http://localhost:8000/toastergui/build/48/task/113433> 

I'm not sure why it is trying to compile qtwayland, is there a way I can 
override this???

I have attached the relevant error file. I'm new to all this Yocto world, so 
please explain everything in simple terms if you can.

Thanks for any help.

Regards, Steve.

Attachment: log.do_compile.27031
Description: log.do_compile.27031

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