I'm using opkg (IPK) packaging with my Yocto builds (using recent
master 633ad6c9f).  For the most part, this seems to work well,
but occasionally I'll rebuild a recipe along with the packaging
indexes on my build machine only to find that opkg doesn't want
to upgrade to the changes.  Here's an example:

* Update the package databases on the target board
  root@teton-p7621:~# opkg update
  Updated source 'poky_am-all'.
  Updated source 'poky_am-cortexa7hf-neon'.
  Updated source 'poky_am-teton_p7621'.

* Try to update the package I just rebuilt.  Normally, this does the right thing
  root@teton-p7621:~# opkg install production-tests
  No packages installed or removed.

* Odd, check the packaging
  root@teton-p7621:~# opkg list-installed | grep prod
  production-tests - 1.0-r0.74

* Force the install by removing the existing package, etc
  root@teton-p7621:~# opkg remove production-tests
  Removing production-tests (1.0) from root...
  root@teton-p7621:~# opkg install production-tests
  Installing production-tests (1.0) on root
  Configuring production-tests.

So from this you can see that the package has been rebuilt (using
the PR server) and that I can indeed install the new version.  That
said, why did opkg not "upgrade" as expected.  Note: I often use
the 'opkg upgrade' command but I recently updated my Poky/Yocto
repository which caused nearly every package to be rebuilt and I
didn't want to have to download everything (none of which affected
my current program which is just a python script), so I chose the
'opkg install ...' method instead, which does seem to work sometimes.

Any ideas what I can look at or tweak to get this to work the way
I expect?


Gary Thomas                 |  Consulting for the
MLB Associates              |    Embedded world
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