Thanks Gary,

You where spot on! I have now been able to SSH into the rpi and have posted the 
Xorg.log file to the mailing list.

I think Xorg is failing to load correctly because it cannot find the evdev 
module. Looking into how to fix this now......

Regards, Steve.

From: <> on behalf 
of Gary Thomas <>
Sent: Friday, 10 March 2017 5:42 a.m.
Subject: Re: [yocto] Raspberry Pi2 Fails to boot into LXDE.

On 2017-03-10 01:55, Steve Plant wrote:
> OK, I have spent the last day googling my heart out trying to find the 
> Xorg.log file without any luck.
> The problem is that due to the rpi hanging on boot, the only way I can access 
> the SD card to look for the file is place
> it in a USB SD card reader and use my VirtualBox based Debian to "ls" 
> directores etc.
> Having established that there is no file located at /var/log/Xorg.log (there 
> isn't a log directory) but there is a
> symbolic link in the var directory - goes nowhere.
> After goggling I discovered that the file could also be in the 
> ~/.local/share/xorg/Xorg.0.log, however if I try to look
> there I get "permission denied" and cannot seem to get to the root directory 
> of the card and I can't find a way around
> this as I'm trying to access this directory through the USB card reader.
> Looked everywhere with no answers, Is there anyone who could help me here??

/var/log is on a volatile file system (i.e. it does not live on the SD card)

If you can get into your board via SSH, you can copy the file and send it

> ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
> *From:* Khem Raj <>
> *Sent:* Wednesday, 8 March 2017 5:17 p.m.
> *To:* Steve Plant
> *Cc:*
> *Subject:* Re: [yocto] Raspberry Pi2 Fails to boot into LXDE.
> On 17-03-08 12:40:51, Steve Plant wrote:
>> Hi All,
>> Very new to all this linux world, and especially Yocto.
>> I'm working on a embedded project at the moment using a raspberry pi2 board.
>> I have used toaster with Morty 2.2 to compile an image 
>> using"rpi-basic-image", to this I have added the following bitbake variables:
>> Bitbake variables
>> poky
>> /home/steve/poky/downloads
>> ext3 jffs2 tar.bz2 rpi-sdimg
>> packagegroup-core-x11-base packagegroup-lxde-base connman
>> package_rpm
>> /home/steve/poky/sstate-cache
>> 1
>> GPU_MEM_1024
>> 512
>> I have dd'ed the image to an SD card increased the sdb2 partition to the max 
>> size and powered up the rpi. Everything looks fine to start with, as it 
>> displays the four raspberrys in the top left, then the white "Yocto Project" 
>> splash screen complete with small blue dot to the side appears, the progress 
>> bar moves across to 100 percent, then the screen turns black with a white
> cursor in the middle and it appears to freeze with only a very dim one second 
> flash of the "act" led.
>> I have then connected the 7" touchscreen and apart from the added 
>> multicolored square at the very beginning I get the exact same boot up 
>> problem, hangs on the black screen with white cursor (good to see its all 
>> resized correctly for the TfT through!!)
>> Before adding the packagegroup-core-x11-base and packagegroup-lxde-base I 
>> successfully copied over and ran the rpi-basic-image with no problem, ending 
>> up with a usable console.
>> Looking for any help here, I'm thinking I've missed adding a package, or 
>> some type of local.conf instruction. any suggestions would be 
>> appreciated.............
> Can you send the content of /var/log/Xorg.log file ?

Gary Thomas                 |  Consulting for the
MLB Associates              |    Embedded world
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