On 3 March 2017 at 06:39, Gary Thomas <g...@mlbassoc.com> wrote:

> I'm trying to build SDKs for my board, both the native style
> using populate_sdk_ext as well as including the SDK packages
> in my image.  My image includes some extended libraries of
> my own packaging (am335x-pru-support) that I need to get into
> these SDKs.  This package (via debian renaming) turns into
>   libprussdrv-dbg - 2016-08-30-r0.23 - am335x-pru-support version
> 2016-08-30-r0 - Debugging files
>   libprussdrv-dev - 2016-08-30-r0.23 - am335x-pru-support version
> 2016-08-30-r0 - Development files
>   libprussdrv-staticdev - 2016-08-30-r0.23 - am335x-pru-support version
> 2016-08-30-r0 - Development files (St)
>   libprussdrv1 - 2016-08-30-r0.23 - am335x-pru-support version
> 2016-08-30-r0
> On my board/image, I can get the files I need but only if I manually
> include libprussdrv-dev
>   # opkg files libprussdrv-dev | sort
>   /usr/bin/pasm
>   /usr/include/pruss/
>   /usr/include/pruss/pruss_intc_mapping.h
>   /usr/include/pruss/prussdrv.h
>   /usr/lib/libprussdrv.so
> How can I get these automatically added to my SDK images?  To build the
> board SDK, I'm adding these packages to my image:
>   CORE_IMAGE_EXTRA_INSTALL = "packagegroup-core-sdk
> packagegroup-core-standalone-sdk-target"
> I suppose I could add libprussdrv-dev to that list, but I'd like it a bit
> more automated.
> For the native SDK, I tried adding this to local.conf:
>   TOOLCHAIN_HOST_TASK_append = " nativesdk-am335x-pru-support"
> which only got me the 'pasm' tool in my sysroot, but nothing else.

If libprussdrv1 is in your image then the -dev package should be pulled
into your SDK images, assuming that you have IMAGE_FEATURES+=dev-pkgs

The same should mean that standalone SDKs (populate_sdk-style) contain the
headers too.  Worse case, TOOLCHAIN_TARGET_TASK_append = "

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