On Wed, Mar 1, 2017 at 12:15 PM, Jeremy A. Puhlman <jpuhl...@mvista.com> wrote:
> On 3/1/2017 12:06 PM, chris warth wrote:
> Can anyone suggest why my BBMASK is not working?
> Maybe I'm not putting it into the right file?
> Did I construct the regex incorrectly?
> In my conf/bblayers.conf I have,
>      BBMASK .= "qemu"
> This basically concatenates qemu to what ever is already in BBMASK. It is a
> regex expression so you want to treat it as such.
> You want to likely do something like:
> BBMASK .= "|(qemu)"
> OTOH, qemu matches anythin with qemu in the path. You likely want to use the
> full filename:
> BBMASK .= "|(qemu_qoriq.bb)"

If you are using Yocto 2.1 or later, it's safer and easier to
construct BBMASK as set of space separated expressions rather than
trying to append to a single regex. e.g. in this case:

  BBMASK += "qemu_qoriq.bb"

> Then I wipe out the cache by deleting the "tmp/" directory.

There's no need to wipe out sstate or tmp to test this. If you try to
build a recipe which doesn't exist or is masked, you'll get an error
regardless of whether the recipe has been built previously.

> Now I would expect
>     bitbake -n -c fetch qemu
> to give a 'Nothing PROVIDES' error.
> That is not what happens.   Instead it still completes normally.
> I am trying to ignore recipes like
>      meta-freescale/recipes-devtools/qemu/qemu_qoriq.bb
> Thanks in advance for any help.
> - Chris
> --
> Jeremy A. Puhlman
> jpuhl...@mvista.com
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