This bbclass was taken from the Rockchip team's work at
It was mostly written by Jacob Chen <>. I've made some
small modifications and added it.

Older images used (what Rockchip calls) the "legacy parameter" format. Newer
images use u-boot and a GPT partitioning scheme. This class allows the build
to generate a gpt-img file that can either be flashed to eMMC or written to an
SDcard (the same image is used for both).

This is the new image format used for rk3288 SoCs (e.g. the Firefly board).

Reviewd-by: Eddie Cai <>
Signed-off-by: Jacob Chen <>
Signed-off-by: Trevor Woerner <>
 classes/rockchip-gpt-img.bbclass | 132 +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
 1 file changed, 132 insertions(+)
 create mode 100644 classes/rockchip-gpt-img.bbclass

diff --git a/classes/rockchip-gpt-img.bbclass b/classes/rockchip-gpt-img.bbclass
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..0a0ccb8
--- /dev/null
+++ b/classes/rockchip-gpt-img.bbclass
@@ -0,0 +1,132 @@
+# Copyright (C) 2017 Fuzhou Rockchip Electronics Co., Ltd
+# Copyright (C) 2017 Trevor Woerner <>
+# Released under the MIT license (see COPYING.MIT for the terms)
+inherit image_types
+# Use an uncompressed ext4 by default as rootfs
+# This image depends on the rootfs image
+IMAGE_TYPEDEP_rockchip-gpt-img = "${IMG_ROOTFS_TYPE}"
+GPTIMG_SUFFIX  = "gpt-img"
+GPTIMG_SIZE   ?= "4096"
+BOOT_IMG       = "boot.img"
+MINILOADER     = "loader.bin"
+UBOOT          = "u-boot.out"
+TRUST          = "trust.out"
+GPTIMG_APPEND ?= "console=tty1 console=ttyS2,115200n8 rw root=/dev/mmcblk2p7 
rootfstype=ext4 init=/sbin/init"
+# default partitions [in Sectors]
+# More info at
+LOADER1_SIZE = "8000"
+RESERVED2_SIZE = "8192"
+LOADER2_SIZE = "8192"
+ATF_SIZE = "8192"
+BOOT_SIZE = "229376"
+IMAGE_DEPENDS_rockchip-gpt-img = "parted-native \
+       u-boot-mkimage-native \
+       mtools-native \
+       dosfstools-native \
+       virtual/kernel:do_deploy \
+       virtual/bootloader:do_deploy"
+PER_CHIP_IMG_GENERATION_COMMAND_rk3288 = "generate_rk3288_loader1_image"
+IMAGE_CMD_rockchip-gpt-img () {
+       # Change to image directory
+       cd ${DEPLOY_DIR_IMAGE}
+       # Remove the existing image symlink
+       rm -rf *${GPTIMG_SUFFIX}
+       create_rk_image
+       cd ${DEPLOY_DIR_IMAGE}
+create_rk_image () {
+       # Initialize sdcard image file
+       dd if=/dev/zero of=${GPTIMG} bs=1M count=0 seek=${GPTIMG_SIZE}
+       # Create partition table
+       parted -s ${GPTIMG} mklabel gpt
+       # Create vendor defined partitions
+       LOADER1_START=64
+       ATF_START=`expr ${LOADER2_START}  + ${LOADER2_SIZE}`
+       BOOT_START=`expr ${ATF_START}  + ${ATF_SIZE}`
+       ROOTFS_START=`expr ${BOOT_START}  + ${BOOT_SIZE}`
+       parted -s ${GPTIMG} unit s mkpart loader1 ${LOADER1_START} `expr 
+       parted -s ${GPTIMG} unit s mkpart reserved1 ${RESERVED1_START} `expr 
+       parted -s ${GPTIMG} unit s mkpart reserved2 ${RESERVED2_START} `expr 
+       parted -s ${GPTIMG} unit s mkpart loader2 ${LOADER2_START} `expr 
${ATF_START} - 1`
+       parted -s ${GPTIMG} unit s mkpart atf ${ATF_START} `expr ${BOOT_START} 
- 1`
+       # Create boot partition and mark it as bootable
+       parted -s ${GPTIMG} unit s mkpart boot ${BOOT_START} `expr 
+       parted -s ${GPTIMG} set 6 boot on
+       # Create rootfs partition
+       parted -s ${GPTIMG} unit s mkpart root ${ROOTFS_START} 100%
+       parted ${GPTIMG} print
+       # Delete the boot image to avoid trouble with the build cache
+       rm -f ${WORKDIR}/${BOOT_IMG}
+       # Create boot partition image
+       BOOT_BLOCKS=$(LC_ALL=C parted -s ${GPTIMG} unit b print | awk '/ 6 / { 
print substr($4, 1, length($4 -1)) / 512 /2 }')
+       BOOT_BLOCKS=`expr $BOOT_BLOCKS / 63 \* 63`
+       mkfs.vfat -n "boot" -S 512 -C ${WORKDIR}/${BOOT_IMG} $BOOT_BLOCKS
+       mcopy -i ${WORKDIR}/${BOOT_IMG} -s 
+       for DTS_FILE in ${KERNEL_DEVICETREE}; do
+               [ -n "${DEVICETREE_DEFAULT}"] && 
+               mcopy -i ${WORKDIR}/${BOOT_IMG} -s 
+       done
+       # Create extlinux config file
+       cat > ${WORKDIR}/extlinux.conf <<EOF
+default yocto
+label yocto
+       kernel /${KERNEL_IMAGETYPE}
+       devicetree /${DEVICETREE_DEFAULT}
+       append ${GPTIMG_APPEND}
+       mmd -i ${WORKDIR}/${BOOT_IMG} ::/extlinux
+       mcopy -i ${WORKDIR}/${BOOT_IMG} -s ${WORKDIR}/extlinux.conf ::/extlinux/
+       # Burn Boot Partition
+       dd if=${WORKDIR}/${BOOT_IMG} of=${GPTIMG} conv=notrunc,fsync 
+       # Burn Rootfs Partition
+       dd if=${IMG_ROOTFS} of=${GPTIMG} seek=${ROOTFS_START}
+generate_rk3288_loader1_image () {
+       # Burn bootloader
+       mkimage -n rk3288 -T rksd -d ${DEPLOY_DIR_IMAGE}/${SPL_BINARY} 
+       cat ${DEPLOY_DIR_IMAGE}/u-boot-${MACHINE}.bin >>  ${WORKDIR}/${UBOOT}
+       dd if=${WORKDIR}/${UBOOT} of=${GPTIMG} conv=notrunc,fsync seek=64

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