Hi Trevor

2017-02-17 11:33 GMT+08:00 Trevor Woerner <twoer...@gmail.com>:
> Hi Eddie (and the rest of the Rockchip team),
> First let me reiterate how happy I am to see that Rockchip is interested in
> supporting Yocto/OE builds, this is great! I hope this trend continues.
> Second, thank you so much for your patience while I reviewed these patches. I
> don't like my review to be only visual, I want to see the code running on my
> device(s), so reviewing is going to take a bit of time. In this case I hadn't
> flashed my firefly board in a long time, and the flashing procedure was quite
> a bit different now from what I last remember.
> For future reference, these patches have the string "PATH" in the subject line
> instead of "PATCH". Also, if you're creating a v2 or a v3 etc please put a
> space between "PATCH" and "v2". But I won't ask you for a "PATCH v3", I'll
> just fix these things up as I apply the patches (I hope you don't mind).
Thanks for reminding and sorry about the typo.
> You've put "morty" in the subject lines which to me means you're hoping these
> patches will be applied against the morty branch of meta-rockchip. Morty was
> released in October of 2016 which, at this point, is almost 5 months ago. At
> this point patches should only go against morty to fix critical issues. These
> patches look more like they're adding functionality, so I'll apply them to
> master instead. The next release is Pyro which is expected around April 2017.
I will remove branch next time i send patches.
> On Tue 2017-02-14 @ 01:54:20 PM, Eddie Cai wrote:
>> This patch set add main line kernel support for meta-rockchip
>> Eddie Cai (6):
>>   machine: Use cortexa17hf-neon-vfpv4 as default tune for rk3288.inc
> As I've mentioned before, Yocto/OE is a _distribution_ builder, not just an
> image builder. As such most people in the community consider DEFAULTTUNES to
> be a DISTRO-level policy. In other words, this is not something that should be
> set by the BSP. One distro might want to use softfloat, while another wants
> hard-float. It will be easier for people who make distributions using Yocto/OE
> to use this layer when these types of things are not set at this level. Users
> are free to use these distributions (by adding their layers) or they can set a
> DEFAULTTUNE in their conf/local.conf file.
> I'll add a note to the README pointing this out so people can be aware of this
> configuration tweak, but I won't take this patch into the BSP. I've been able
> to build and run images where the DEFAULTTUNE is not set and they run just
> fine. Another patch (which I'll be happy to create) will need to look for this
> tune in recipes that provide things like mali support.
I found there are many meta using hardfloat. see below for example. So
i think what meta-xxx(could be rockchip, freescale, allwinner etc)
means building optimized distribution for xxx.  If people come to
meta-rockchip.  They must want to build a image/distribuition run on
rockchip platform. If not, They should go to meta-debian or other
generic meta rather than meta-rockchip.  ie. we won't expect a image
built by meta-amd can run on rockchip platform. right?
>>   machine: Use SOC specific assignements
> The above patch is fine, but I am going to adjust the synopsis line to include
> the machine to which this patch refers. I.e. instead of:
>         machine: Use SOC specific assignments
> I'll say:
>         rk3288: Use SOC specific assignments
>>   machine: separate rk3188 inc file from rk3066
> The above patch is okay, but I'm going to remove the DEFAULTTUNE line.
>>   machine: Use SOC specific assignements
> Adjusted to specify machine (rk3188).
>>   machine: Use SOC specific assignements
> Adjusted to specify machine (rk3066).
>>   recipes-kernel: linux: Add mainline kernel
> If Romain is happy with this patch I will apply it.
> Best regards,
>         Trevor
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