This mail was sent out by Recipe reporting system.

This message list those recipes which need to be upgraded. If maintainers
believe some of them needn't to upgrade at this time, they can fill
RECIPE_NO_UPDATE_REASON in respective recipe file to ignore this remainder
until newer upstream version was detected.

RECIPE_NO_UPDATE_REASON = "Version 2.0 is unstable"

You can check the detail information at:

Package               Version       Upstream version      Maintainer           
--------------------  ------------  --------------------  -------------------  
python3               3.5.2         3.6.0                 Alejandro Hernandez
python                2.7.12        2.7.13                Alejandro Hernandez
eudev                 3.2           3.2.1                 Alejandro Hernandez
python-native         2.7.12        2.7.13                Alejandro Hernandez
python3-native        3.5.2         3.6.0                 Alejandro Hernandez
liberation-fonts      1.04          2.00.1                Alexander Kanavin    
2.x depends on fontforge pa...
boost                 1.62.0        1.63.0                Alexander Kanavin
openssl               1.0.2k        1.1.0d                Alexander Kanavin
ed                    1.9           4.2.2                 Alexander Kanavin
gnutls                3.5.7         3.5.8                 Alexander Kanavin
bjam-native           1.62.0        1.63.0                Alexander Kanavin
libiconv              1.14          1.15                  Alexander Kanavin
libnl                 3.2.28        3.2.29                Alexander Kanavin
kbd                   2.0.3         2.0.4                 Alexander Kanavin
gperf                 3.0.4         3.1                   Alexander Kanavin
nss                   3.27.1        3.28.1                Alexander Kanavin
webkitgtk             2.14.2        2.14.3                Alexander Kanavin
lighttpd              1.4.43        1.4.45                Alexander Kanavin
bash-completion       2.4           2.5                   Alexander Kanavin
btrfs-tools           4.8.5         4.9.1                 Alexander Kanavin
cmake                 3.7.1         3.7.2                 Alexander Kanavin
cmake-native          3.7.1         3.7.2                 Alexander Kanavin
iso-codes             3.72          3.74                  Alexander Kanavin
epiphany              3.22.3        3.22.6                Alexander Kanavin
libwebp               0.5.1         0.6.0                 Alexander Kanavin
mkelfimage            4.0+gitX      4.5+gitAUTOINC+0b...  Alexander Kanavin    
mkelfimage has been removed...
perl                  5.24.0        5.24.1                Aníbal Limón
dpkg                  1.18.7        1.18.22               Aníbal Limón
perl-native           5.24.0        5.24.1                Aníbal Limón
pinentry              0.9.2         1.0.0                 Armin Kuster
linux-libc-headers    4.9           4.9.8                 Bruce Ashfield
libunwind             1.1+gitX      1.2+gitAUTOINC+cc...  Bruce Ashfield
linux-yocto-dev       4.9-rc++gitX  4.9.6                 Bruce Ashfield
busybox               1.25.0+gitX   1.26.2+gitAUTOINC...  Chen Qi
byacc                 20161202      20170201              Chen Qi
cups                  2.2.1         2.2.2                 Chen Qi
flex                  2.6.2         2.6.3                 Chen Qi
util-linux            2.29          2.29.1                Chen Qi
sed                   4.2.2         4.4                   Chen Qi
sudo                  1.8.18p1      1.8.19p2              Chen Qi
sysstat               11.5.3        11.5.4                Chen Qi
xz                    5.2.2         5.2.3                 Chen Qi
build-appliance-i...  15.0.0        16.0.0                Cristian Iorga
chkconfig             1.3.58        1.8                   Dengke Du            
Version 1.5 requires selinux
ltp                   20160126      20170116              Dengke Du
dosfstools            4.0           4.1                   Dengke Du
swig                  3.0.11        3.0.12                Edwin Plauchu
python3-setuptools    32.1.1        34.1.1                Edwin Plauchu
python-setuptools     32.1.1        34.1.1                Edwin Plauchu
pax-utils             1.1.6         1.2.2                 Hongxu Jia
createrepo            0.4.11        0.10.4                Hongxu Jia           
Versions after 0.9.* use YU...
socat                      Hongxu Jia
elfutils              0.166         0.168                 Hongxu Jia
gpgme                 1.6.0         1.8.0                 Hongxu Jia
libgcrypt             1.7.3         1.7.6                 Hongxu Jia
libgpg-error          1.25          1.26                  Hongxu Jia
bash                  4.3.30        4.4                   Hongxu Jia
ncurses               6.0+20160625  6.0+20161126          Hongxu Jia
man-pages             4.08          4.09                  Hongxu Jia
rpcbind               0.2.3         0.2.4                 Hongxu Jia
gnupg                 2.1.14        2.1.18                Hongxu Jia
libinput              1.6.0         1.6.1                 Jussi Kukkonen
wayland               1.12.0        1.12.91               Jussi Kukkonen
weston                1.11.1        1.99.91               Jussi Kukkonen
xauth                 1.0.9         1.0.10                Jussi Kukkonen
util-macros           1.19.0        1.19.1                Jussi Kukkonen
libevent              2.0.22        2.1.8                 Jussi Kukkonen
xkeyboard-config      2.19          2.20                  Jussi Kukkonen
vte                   0.44.2        0.46.1                Jussi Kukkonen
presentproto          1.0+gitX      1.1+gitAUTOINC+bf...  Jussi Kukkonen
gdk-pixbuf            2.36.1        2.36.4                Jussi Kukkonen
libdrm                2.4.74        2.4.75                Jussi Kukkonen
menu-cache            1.0.1         1.0.2                 Jussi Kukkonen
gmp                   6.1.1         6.1.2                 Khem Raj
gdb                   7.12          7.12.1                Khem Raj
ruby                  2.3.3         2.4.0                 Leonardo Sandoval
libusb1               1.0.20        1.0.21                Leonardo Sandoval
nfs-utils             1.3.4         2.1.1                 Mariano Lopez
prelink               1.0+gitX      20151030.+gitAUTO...  Mark Hatle
db                    6.0.35        6.2.23                Mark Hatle           
latest db does not work wit...
rpm                   5.4.16        5.4.17                Mark Hatle
libpfm4               4.6.0         4.8.0                 Matthew McClintock
ifupdown              0.8.16        0.8.19                Maxin B. John
iptables              1.6.0         1.6.1                 Maxin B. John
screen                4.4.0         4.5.0                 Maxin B. John
harfbuzz              1.4.1         1.4.2                 Maxin B. John
gstreamer1.0-vaapi    1.10.3        1.11.1                No maintainer
gdb-cross-canadia...  7.12          7.12.1                No maintainer
gdb-cross-i586        7.12          7.12.1                No maintainer
gnu-efi               3.0.4         3.0.5                 Robert Yang
strace                4.14          4.15                  Robert Yang
libpcre               8.39          8.40                  Robert Yang
hdparm                9.50          9.51                  Robert Yang
m4                    1.4.17        1.4.18                Robert Yang
slang                 2.3.1         2.3.1a                Robert Yang
e2fsprogs             1.43.3        1.43.4                Robert Yang
wget                  1.18          1.19                  Robert Yang
git                   2.11.0        2.11.1                Robert Yang
mklibs-native         0.1.41        0.1.43                Robert Yang
base-passwd           3.5.29        3.5.43                Ross Burton          
Version 3.5.38 requires cde...
lsbinitscripts        9.68          9.69                  Ross Burton
alsa-lib              1.1.2         1.1.3                 Tanu Kaskinen
pulseaudio            9.0           10.0                  Tanu Kaskinen

Upgradable count: 97
Upgradable total count: 103

The based commit is:

commit 7da04721a620ad741ea50adf116e6b5afd47caa5
Author: Khem Raj <>
Date:   Fri Feb 3 14:45:26 2017 -0800

    gcc-6: Sync gcc stddef.h with musl stddef.h
    GCC provides some of std* headers including stddef.h
    and it syncs with glibc definitions via __needed* defines
    to find which datatypes are expected to be defined on top
    of glibc. we need same for musl.
    Drop unused 0048-ARM-PR-target-71056-Don-t-use-vectorized-builtins-wh.patch
    Signed-off-by: Khem Raj <>
    Signed-off-by: Ross Burton <>

Any problem, please contact Anibal Limon <> 

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