On 01/09/2017 04:49 AM, Patrick Ohly wrote:
> I'm wondering if we can address two bugs with the same fix, something
> that requires that the Subject line is starting with a set of tags plus
> the [PATCH] tag. For example:
> patch_prefix = re.match('(\s*\[[^]]*\]\s*)*\[\s*PATCH', mail.get('Subject'))

Based on Patrick's suggestion, v2 of this patch would require for any
new email message to be handled as a likely new patch (message content
still needs to be parsed as usual):

        - Message subject MUST start only with any of the accepted OE layer's
prefixes; in other words, subject must start with square bracket "["
plus prefix (maybe only the bracket will be enough).
        - Message subject MUST contain the "[PATCH" prefix.

messages with a subject that starts with any other character (including
"Re: " and "Fwd: " or that do not include the "[PATCH" prefix will be
handled either as a comment to an existing patch or as an ordinary
mailing list post, depending on the included email references and
content parsing.

I see no conflicts with steps on the wiki "How to submit a patch to

Please provide feedback on this approach before I implement a test in
the staging instance.

Jose Lamego | OTC Embedded Platforms & Tools | GDC

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