Hi 1) I had just successfully built an image with all the recipes ( hals, hals-doc) [and yes, there these are non-empty] 2) I had then successfully built image with -c populate_sdk 3) The bitbake image -c populate_sdk_ext is what is failing [ The above works with Krogoth, only on Morty am I getting the errors during populate_sdk_ext
May be the recipe is wrong for Morty? ( I have several other recipes, same thing, same structure) inherit bin_package SUMMARY = "HALs " DESCRIPTION = "HALs" LICENSE = "CLOSED" LIC_FILES_CHKSUM = "" # this can be overridden in local.conf HALS_TARBALL_URI ?= "file:///opt/packages/${PN}-${PV}-arm.tar.gz" SRC_URI = "${HALS_TARBALL_URI}" # the tar has a root directory , which has the files under HALS_TAR_ROOT_DIR_NAME ?= "${PN}-${PV}-arm" #make the source directory start in this directory S = "${WORKDIR}/${HALS_TAR_ROOT_DIR_NAME}" #runtime depends RDEPENDS_${PN} = " libgcc \ libstdc++ \ dtc \ " DEPENDS_${PN} = " gtest" #bring in all to build toolchain DEPENDS_${PN}-dev += " ${PN}-doc ${PN}-tests ${PN}-samples" PACKAGES =+ "${PN}-tests ${PN}-samples " FILES_${PN}-staticdev += " ${libdir}/*/*.a" FILES_${PN}-dev += "${includedir} "" FILES_${PN}-samples += "${bindir}/*" FILES_${PN}-tests += "${bindir}/*[tT]est" FILES_${PN}-doc += "${prefix}/src/doc" # this stops an QA issue INSANE_SKIP_hals += "dev-so" BBCLASSEXTEND = "native nativesdk" -----Original Message----- From: Stephano Cetola [mailto:stephano.cet...@linux.intel.com] Sent: Wednesday, January 04, 2017 4:31 PM To: ALLEN,RICHARD (K-SantaClara,ex1) <richard_al...@keysight.com> Cc: yocto@yoctoproject.org Subject: Re: [yocto] morty populate_sdk_ext fails for recipes inherit bin_package On 01/04, richard_al...@keysight.com<mailto:richard_al...@keysight.com> wrote: > I am getting errors with morty and -c populate_sdk_ext when I have > recipes which inherit bin_package These recipes work fine with Krogoth > and it's populate_sdk_ext > > Note: package is not empty, Use to install package on running system. > > No idea how to proceed on fixing this (or if this is an morty issue > with populate_sdk_ext (-c populate_sdk works fine) Are you able to bitbake the image without "-c populate_sdk_ext"? I am currently working on some bin_package related features, and I am able to build my image (with a bin_package recipe) as well as well as populate the eSDK and SDK. > If I use ipk for package managment > > NOTE: Executing RunQueue Tasks > ERROR: uninative-tarball-1.0-r0 do_populate_sdk: Unable to install packages. > Command '/home/rcallen/proto/morty/tmp/sysroots/x86_64-linux/usr/bin/opkg > --volatile-cache -f > /home/rcallen/proto/morty/tmp/work/x86_64-nativesdk-linux/uninative-tarball/1.0-r0/opkg.conf > -t > /home/rcallen/proto/morty/tmp/work/x86_64-nativesdk-linux/uninative-tarball/1.0-r0/temp/ipktemp/ > -o > /home/rcallen/proto/morty/tmp/work/x86_64-nativesdk-linux/uninative-tarball/1.0-r0/sdk/image/opt/tlo/2.2/sysroots/none > --force_postinstall --prefer-arch-to-version install hals hals-doc' > returned 255: Looks like it can't find hals or hals-doc. Are you sure these are built? The error you are seeing (Couldn't find anything to satisfy) is from the above command: opkg [...] install hals hals-doc. The RPM error is the same. It is telling you that the package-feeds don't contain anything called "hals". > Collected errors: > * opkg_prepare_url_for_install: Couldn't find anything to satisfy 'hals'. > * rm_r: Failed to open dir > /home/rcallen/proto/morty/tmp/work/x86_64-nativesdk-linux/uninative-tarball/1.0-r0/temp/ipktemp//opkg-BL2Z8g: > No such file or directory. >
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