What happens if you use core-image-minimal-initramfs for INITRAMFS_IMAGE?
I think the main problem is that you are telling Yocto to include the full
rootfs image as an initramfs instead of the reduced, special-purpose
initramfs image.  Are you trying to boot entirely from a ramdisk or do you
intend to store root somewhere else (NAND, etc)?

On Wed, Dec 21, 2016 at 9:38 AM, Hamish Guthrie <hamish.guth...@kistler.com>

> Hi Rick,
> >> Have you tried manually extracting the .xz it is having trouble with?
> Yes I have tried this, in fact I made some changes to the script where the
> copy and extract is done and I can verify that in fact the copy of the
> cpio.xz image is done correctly to the usr directory in the kernel
> directory, I also added a line to make an additional copy of it, and in
> fact the original is being extracted correctly to the usr directory, and it
> is correctly extracted, but for some strange reason I get the Unexpected
> end of input error. I have manually extracted the image and the result of
> that extraction is identical both in size and content to the one which
> claims to have an error.
> The core-image-minimal is purely for experimental purposes, what I am
> actually trying to do is to create a fit image for our swupdate image so
> that I can have a single fit image including the kernel, device tree and
> initramfs for swupdate, so I can include it in a single UBI volume.
> Hamish -
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