Create two recipes that fetch from same source but compile A or B.
Something like and with same SRC_URI but distinct
do_compile. So you can bbappend they independently. You can maintain
the common parts at a .inc file also to keep DRY principle.


2016-12-15 19:46 GMT-02:00 Rick Altherr <>:
> Is the fstab dependent on MACHINE or DISTRO?
> On Thu, Dec 15, 2016 at 12:49 PM, Ronald Oakes <> wrote:
>> I'll admit I'm being a bit lazy. I have two related projects, will call
>> them A and B. B is dependent on A's layers and adds its own. So far, there
>> have been no issues with just building them in the same directory since they
>> have separate image recepies.
>> However, I'm shortly going to be needing to create different fstab files
>> for each, as the two will have different disk configurations. But, if I have
>> two conflicting .bbappend files each specifying a fstab, only one will get
>> used.
>> So, is there a way to either specify in the image recepie or elsewhere
>> which should be used, or do I need to just create a new build direcory with
>> the different set of layers for project A.
>> Ron O
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