
I want to create an own meta-bsp package for my custom mainboard based on 
an ATMEL SAMA5D35 SoC. For that I checked the documentation 

For me it is not clear how to create a bsp package based on the meta-atmel 
package. My goal is:

1.) use the SAMA5D35 SoC -> MACHINE ??= "sama5d3xek"
2.) append the device tree by adding: "mySAMA.dts" and "mySAMAmb.dtsi" 
(they use the dts files like #include "sama5d3.dtsi" from meta-atmel)
3.) adding my own defconfig for the kernel build
4.) change the configuration "at91bootstrap" which comes with the 
5.) add some own SW packages

I created a working meta-mySAMA layer. It has grown over the time into 
some kind of meta-bsp. Think it would be nice to round everthing up by 
creating an own meta-bsp - to make it beautiful.

Is there a tutorial for that? Or can someone explan the steps form using 
"yocto-bsp create mySAMA xxxx"?



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