On 2016-11-01 21:33, Paul Eggleton wrote:
On Tue, 01 Nov 2016 13:36:57 Gary Thomas wrote:
On 2016-10-31 23:06, Paul Eggleton wrote:
FYI the eSDK will use whatever you set in DISTRO - you have your own
distribution, but I assume you are still referencing poky - perhaps as an
include from your distro configuration? At least meta-poky must be in your
bblayers.conf, otherwise I don't think you'd be getting this error.

Regardless of that, there is a bug here somewhere. What do you have under
layers/ in the generated SDK? Are you setting TEMPLATECONF anywhere?

I don't have meta-poky, nor any mention of poky, in any of my layers.
I'm still relying on the poky GIT tree, but that's for historical reasons
(started long before the OE-core split).

I think that's where the problem lies. You may not realise it, but the
TEMPLATECONF environment variable is being set simply by using the poky
repository, since there is a .templateconf directory at its root that sets it
to "meta-poky/conf" if it isn't already set. This isn't a problem during
normal operation since meta-poky/conf exists there - you'll just be using
poky's template local.conf and bblayers.conf rather than any other. When you
generate the eSDK though, meta-poky won't be copied into the eSDK because that
layer is not in your bblayers.conf and thus you get the error.

I will have to try and figure a way around this. In the mean time you should
be able to change the saved value in <builddir>/conf/templateconf.cfg to
"meta/conf" to work around the issue, but it'll come back if you create a new
build directory unless you set TEMPLATECONF in the external environment before
running oe-init-build-env.

I'm still confused.  There is no mention of meta-poky, or of the $DISTRO 'poky'
anywhere in my <builddir>/conf:
  gthomas@europa:p8701_2016-10-22$ cat conf/templateconf.cfg
  gthomas@europa:p8701_2016-10-22$ grep -i poky conf/*
  conf/bblayers.conf:  /local/poky-cutting-edge/meta \
  conf/bblayers.conf:  /local/poky-cutting-edge/meta-oe \
  conf/bblayers.conf:  /local/poky-cutting-edge/meta-amltd \
  conf/bblayers.conf:  /local/poky-cutting-edge/meta-rainier-am335x-p8701 \
  conf/bblayers.conf:  /local/poky-cutting-edge/meta-ti \
  conf/bblayers.conf:  /local/poky-cutting-edge/meta-webserver \

You're right in your implication that I hadn't tested this - I had tested
alternative distros with the oe-core repo but not with the poky repo, so I
hadn't encountered this issue. I've filed a bug [1] to track the issue.


[1] https://bugzilla.yoctoproject.org/show_bug.cgi?id=10568


Gary Thomas                 |  Consulting for the
MLB Associates              |    Embedded world
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