On Tue, 01 Nov 2016 18:45:02 swapna.gurum...@microchip.com wrote: > Every step I take close, I take 2 back :( > My bb now looks like the one attached. I had to add each folder for > FILES_${PN} contrary to your advice otherwise I got the following error: > ERROR: crank-1.0-r2 do_package: QA Issue: crank: Files/directories were > installed but not shipped in any package: /opt > /opt/crank > Please set FILES such that these items are packaged. Alternatively if they > are unneeded, avoid installing them or delete them within do_install. > crank: 2 installed and not shipped files. [installed-vs-shipped] > > > > I am now getting the following error: > ERROR: crank-1.0-r2 do_install: Function failed: do_install (log file is > located at > /home/swapna/workspace/work/yocto/poky/build-atmel/tmp/work/cortexa5hf-neon > -poky-linux-gnueabi/crank/1.0-r2/temp/log.do_install.26457) ERROR: Logfile > of failure stored in: > /home/swapna/workspace/work/yocto/poky/build-atmel/tmp/work/cortexa5hf-neon > -poky-linux-gnueabi/crank/1.0-r2/temp/log.do_install.26457 > Log data follows: > | DEBUG: Executing shell function do_install > | cp: cannot stat > | '/home/swapna/workspace/work/yocto/poky/build-atmel/tmp/work/cortexa5hf-n > | eon-poky-linux-gnueabi/crank/1.0-r2/crank': No such file or directory > | WARNING: > | /home/swapna/workspace/work/yocto/poky/build-atmel/tmp/work/cortexa5hf-ne > | on-poky-linux-gnueabi/crank/1.0-r2/temp/run.do_install.26457:1 exit 1 from > | 'cp -a --no-preserve=ownership > | /home/swapna/workspace/work/yocto/poky/build-atmel/tmp/work/cortexa5hf-ne > | on-poky-linux-gnueabi/crank/1.0-r2/crank > | /home/swapna/workspace/work/yocto/poky/build-atmel/tmp/work/cortexa5hf-ne > | on-poky-linux-gnueabi/crank/1.0-r2/image/opt/' ERROR: Function failed: > | do_install (log file is located at > | /home/swapna/workspace/work/yocto/poky/build-atmel/tmp/work/cortexa5hf-ne > | on-poky-linux-gnueabi/crank/1.0-r2/temp/log.do_install.26457) > ERROR: Task 1082 > (/home/swapna/workspace/work/yocto/meta-atmel/qt5-layer/recipes-qt/apps/cra > nk_1.0.bb, do_install) failed with exit code '1' NOTE: Tasks Summary: > Attempted 3806 tasks of which 3805 didn't need to be rerun and 1 failed. No > currently running tasks (3034 of 4662) > > Summary: 1 task failed: > > /home/swapna/workspace/work/yocto/meta-atmel/qt5-layer/recipes-qt/apps/cran > k_1.0.bb, do_install Summary: There was 1 WARNING message shown. > Summary: There was 1 ERROR message shown, returning a non-zero exit code. > > > > Also if I look into the > /home/swapna/workspace/work/yocto/poky/build-atmel/tmp/work/cortexa5hf-neon- > poky-linux-gnueabi/crank/1.0-r2 It is empty.
There's something strange going on here, because the path you have just given is ${WORKDIR} - and that shouldn't be able to be empty at this point. If nothing else there should be a "temp" directory under it containing logs if *any* tasks have run. Surely you have skipped out some steps between when it was working and now? I notice the tarball name changed - did you regenerate it or just rename it? In any case, when debugging situations like this it helps to make a fresh start - run "bitbake -c clean crank" (you don't need -c cleansstate because being stuck at do_install you haven't got to any real sstate tasks yet). Then methodically run through each task - when do_unpack ran what got unpacked into ${WORKDIR}? If that's as expected, what got put into ${D} (which is the "image" subdirectory under ${WORKDIR})? Does what's in ${D} match up with the layout you expect to be on the target? At any time you can use "bitbake -e crank | less" to inspect the value of variables. You can also see exactly what commands got run within the task by looking at the run.do_* files under "temp" in the workdir. Also: * That third line "install -m ..." you now have in do_install won't work and in any case isn't necessary since you are already copying that with the cp command. * Based on what you've said earlier, your S value cannot be correct - it may not matter, but it might as well be fixed anyway. If the tarball unpacks a "crank" subdirectory then it should be set to "${WORKDIR}/crank". * There's no need to set the PR value, in fact doing so only serves to keep changing ${WORKDIR} which will potentially get in the way of debugging, so I'd suggest not doing that. * Setting DEPENDS isn't really doing you any good - DEPENDS is for build-time dependencies. You're only unpacking a tarball, you don't need any build-time dependencies to speak of. If you have runtime dependencies then set them in RDEPENDS_${PN} since that's where runtime dependencies need to be set. * As another responder pointed out, the inherit of pkgconfig isn't needed - you don't need pkg-config for anything being done here. Cheers, Paul -- Paul Eggleton Intel Open Source Technology Centre -- _______________________________________________ yocto mailing list yocto@yoctoproject.org https://lists.yoctoproject.org/listinfo/yocto