On 10/10/16 3:20 AM, Paul Eggleton wrote:
> This looks good, just a few notes about this bit:
> On Fri, 07 Oct 2016 11:57:14 Liam R. Howlett wrote:
>> +def update_distro_conf_file(path, distro):
>> +    logger.debug('Updating distro %s' % path)
>> +    desc = ""
>> +    with open(path, 'r') as f:
>> +        for line in f:
>> +            if line.startswith('#@NAME:'):
>> +                desc = line[7:].strip()
>> +            if line.startswith('#@DESCRIPTION:'):
>> +                desc = line[14:].strip()
>> +                desc = re.sub(r'Distribtuion configuration for( running)*( 
>> an)*( the)*', '', desc) 
> Aside from the typo, that last line isn't needed for distros.
> Also, unlike machines, the readable distro name actually gets set in a proper
> variable (DISTRO_NAME) and though some distro conf files do still use the
> meta-comments, a lot don't use them at all. Technically being a variable,
> DISTRO_NAME could be set in an inc file rather than the distro conf file, and
> often it is, so we should really parse to get it rather than scraping it.
> (I'm happy if we sort this out as a later improvement, I just wanted to make
> a note of it now.)

I have fixed the typo in the current mhatle/django18 layer.

> Cheers,
> Paul

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