On Sun, Oct 9, 2016 at 6:28 AM,  <gm...@reliableembeddedsystems.com> wrote:
> Hi,
> On 2016-10-08 18:17, Bill Randle wrote:
>> Hi,
>> I think I would leave the toolchain artifact as is, but just surround
>> the the 'cp' with an 'if' statement. E.g.,:
>>   if [ -e <path-to-x86-toolchain> ]; then
>>     cp <cp-args> <path-to-x86-toolchain> <destination>;
>>   fi;
>>   if [ -e <path-to-x86_64-toolchain> ]; then
>>     cp <cp-args> <path-to-x86_64-toolchain> <destination>;
>>   fi;
> This sounds like a brilliant idea. It looks like now I have the behaviour of
> the good old Y-AB plus md5sums and friends and being copied over.
> What do you think about this patch? [1]

Much better. Now just move the mkdir into the same if block as the
copy like this (no point in checking the same thing twice):

+                    command=command+"if [ -e " +
os.path.join(deploy_image_dir, "poky-*i686-core-image*.sh ") + " ];
then " + \
+                                    "mkdir -p " + os.path.join(DEST,
X86TC_PUBLISH_DIR) + "; " + \
+                                    "cp -R --no-dereference
--preserve=links " + \
+                                    os.path.join(deploy_image_dir,
"poky-*i686-core-image* ") + \
+                                    os.path.join(DEST,
X86TC_PUBLISH_DIR) + pipeline + "; fi;"

and the same for the x86_64 case, of course.

Then submit to the mailing list in the standard format (look at other
patch submissions for examples) Also, include "[yocto-autobuilder]"
and file you are patching in the Subject line [1] and Cc:
joshua.g.l...@intel.com and pi...@toganlabs.com. Also, add a commit
message in the body of the email.


[1] E.g., Subject: [yocto-autobuilder][PATCH] PublishArtifacts.py:
deal only with built toolchains, cp also md5 and manifests

> [1]
> https://github.com/RobertBerger/autobuilder-patches/blob/master/before-install/0004-deal-only-with-built-toolchains-cp-also-md5-and-mani.patch
> Regards,
> Robert
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