Hi Paul, thanks much for prompt response. 

The c-mlib.bb below has the packages var as
PACKAGES =+ "${PN}” I also tried PACKAGES = "${PN}” 

The packages were built successful indeed, but the ERROR: QA Issue ...
Any recommendation to change the above PACKAGES variable in the bb?

SUMMARY = "c-mlib cross build environment with IOx SDK"
DESCRIPTION = "c-mlib cross build environment with IOx SDK "
#DEPENDS = "libsdk_dslink_c-static libjansson liblibuv libzlog"
#DEPENDS = "util-linux"

SRC_URI = "git://gitlab.cisco.com/ghalwasi/c-mlib.git;protocol=http"

SRC_URI[md5sum] = "e896bcd267b3cc1de89b3ac85ee2f28b"
SRC_URI[sha256sum] = 

S = "${WORKDIR}/git"
PV = "1.0.0"

do_install () {
        oe_runmake all
        install -d  ${D}${libdir}
        install -m 0644 ${S}/target/* ${D}${libdir}


FILES_${PN} = "/usr/lib/datamodel_cache \
        /usr/lib/invoke \
        /usr/lib/invoke_b \
        /usr/lib/libmlib.so \
        /usr/lib/protocol_infra \
        /usr/lib/publisher \
        /usr/lib/rpc-register \
        /usr/lib/service \
        /usr/lib/subscriber \
        /usr/lib/test-service \

Many thanks,

On 10/4/16, 12:22 PM, "Paul Eggleton" <paul.eggle...@linux.intel.com> wrote:

>Hi Dinh,
>On Tue, 04 Oct 2016 16:07:59 Dinh Nguyen wrote:
>> >>> ERROR: QA Issue: c-mlib is listed in PACKAGES multiple times, this leads
>> >>> to packaging errors. [packages-list]
>> Summary: There was 1 ERROR
>> >>> message shown, returning a non-zero exit code.
>> I got the above ERROR because  my c-mlib_1.0-r0_core2-64.ipk and other
>> packages were listed in different places as shown below:
>> dinhn@rs-bldsrv:/media/raghuram/data/dinhn/ioxDev/ioxsdk$ find . -name
>> c-mlib_1.0-r0_core2-64.ipk
>> ./yp/tmp/deploy/ipk/core2-64/c-mlib_1.0-r0_core2-64.ipk
>> ./yp/tmp/work/core2-64-poky-linux/c-mlib/1.0-r0/deploy-ipks/core2-64/c-mlib_
>> 1.0-r0_core2-64.ipk
>That is not what that error means. What it does mean is that there is a
>variable called PACKAGES which is used to control the list of packages
>produced by a recipe, and in the value of that variable for the c-mlib recipe,
>a c-mlib package is listed more than once. You need to look at what you are 
>doing in the
>recipe with the PACKAGES variable and fix it so that that does not occur.
>FYI for future reference there's a useful section of the manual describing
>warnings and what to do about them:
> http://www.yoctoproject.org/docs/current/ref-manual/ref-manual.html#qa-errors-and-warnings
>Paul Eggleton
>Intel Open Source Technology Centre
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