In your situation I have done the following.

1. delete the entire tmp directory, not just deploy

2. bitbake core-image-minimal

3. wic create mkefidisk -e core-image-minimal

Change the type of disk image created to your liking.

 "wic list images" will list all images that are pre-make with a
kickstart (.wks) file.

See section 5.6 of this manual.

On Thu, Sep 22, 2016 at 8:35 AM, Karim ATIKI <>

> Hi all,
> I have downloaded a sample linux image from the Toradex developers website
> to test on a Toradex Colibri T20 device. It worked fine.
> Now I have generated a custom poky distribution (core-image-minimal) to
> deplkoy on the device.
> However, the generated image is zImage format. Whereas it seems that uBoot
> is expecting uImage.
> 1) How do we inform Yocto to generate uImage instead of zImage ?
> 2) Therefore, I have deleted the tmp/deploy directory.
> But right now, I'm unable to generate the distro again.
> I tried many things:
> bitbake -c clean core-image-minimal
> bitbake -c cleanall core-image-minimal
> bitbake core-image-minimal
> Everything fails.
> Is there a way to get things working again or should generate everythingh
> from scratch again ?
> Z.
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