Hello, Yocto.
I just want to confirm how pkg_postinst scripts are called.

Provided the following scripts are provided, in two bbappend recipes as below, 
which of them are actually executed and which are not?
I have briefly tried and 'OK's below are called and 'NG's are not.

The yocto manual says posttest scripts must be suffixed by package names, but 
which package names?
postinst scripts with package names from the other recipe (script in AAA 
referring BBB package name) can be invoked at BBB package installation?


pkg_postinst_AAA() {} - OK
pkg_postinst_AAA_append() {} - OK
pkg_postinst_BBB() {} - NG
pkg_postinst_BBB_append() {} - NG


pkg_postinst_AAA() {} - NG
pkg_postinst_AAA_append() {} - NG
pkg_postinst_BBB() {} - OK
pkg_postinst_BBB_append() {} - OK

And, multiple _append() once could be added, but if _append() is not there only 
one of such script for the same name is executed?

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