Hi Paul, Bruce

Thanks for the replies,


I take a look at the documentation. It's an amazing feature I'll try
it as soon as got time avaible.
My next question is about that "master image" that is installed at
target hardware so that the image
is deployed automagically. I read that it writes the image to a second
partition... Well.. I'm dealing
with NAND Flash memory here I would like to avoid writing as much as
possible. Even more for
machines that will be reflashing at each new image built. I know how easy
is to setup an NFS + TFTP server and get u-boot booting things from
network. Also, with this kind
of setup booting a fresh new image is just a matter of rebooting
(which makes the master image
very simple). Would be possible to customise the master image and the
autodeploy to the hardware target!?


2016-08-31 19:43 GMT-03:00 Bruce Ashfield <bruce.ashfi...@windriver.com>:
> On 2016-08-31 6:23 PM, Paul Eggleton wrote:
>> Hi Daniel,
>> On Tue, 30 Aug 2016 17:18:44 Daniel. wrote:
>>> While writing software we're used to delivery packages, libraries and
>>> stacks. There are out there a lot of continuos integration solutions
>>> to automaticaly build and test these kinds of software. But when
>>> dealing to images the thing is more tricky.
>>> I can't run the tests at the same machine that build the image because
>>> crosscompilation take place on 99% of the cases. What is aproach that
>>> you guys are using to automate and increase the quality of your
>>> images?
>>> Automating the build is the easy part my concert is about automating
>>> the runtime tests that need the target board to run. In my case I
>>> depend on hardware to fully test the image features. Is there any
>>> reliable way to automate image installation and boot!?
>> There are some folks here working on automated hardware tests (on CC),
>> perhaps
>> they can expand on what we're currently doing in that area. At least in
>> the
>> existing code we do have basic support for running tests on real hardware
>> that
>> may be worth looking into - at the moment though it's pretty rudimentary
>> when
>> it comes to interacting directly with the hardware though. You can see
>> what
>> we've currently got here:
>> http://www.yoctoproject.org/docs/current/dev-manual/dev-manual.html#hardware-image-enabling-tests
>> We've looked at LAVA several times, and I'm sorry to say the conclusion
>> each
>> time is that its a mess - both from a usage perspective and looking at the
>> code. It was disappointing to us because initially it looked like it was
>> going
>> to solve a lot of our problems. Maybe others have had different
>> experiences -
>> I'd love to hear details if anyone is prepared to share.
> We've been using LAVA extensively within WRind River, and haven't run
> into any major issues with the code and usage. Perhaps it depends on
> the type of test cases that are being run ?
> LAVA was active, extensible and able to integrate with our wide range
> of targets.
> That's not to say that we didn't add a lot of our own tests,
> infrastructure, etc, but that was expected work with whatever we
> chose.
> Cheers,
> Bruce
>> Cheers,
>> Paul

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