On 18/08/2016 03:19, Craig McQueen wrote:
> I wrote:
>> I've just had to upgrade from Mono 4.2.x to Mono 4.4.x, to get a fix for SMTP
>> I'm using the mono-libs-4.5 package. I see that the size of it has increased
>> quite a lot (several MB) due to the upgrade. It looks as though it's now
>> putting a bunch of files in /usr/lib/mono/4.5-api in addition to the old
>> /usr/lib/mono/4.5.
>> I can see this mentioned in the Mono 4.4.0 release notes:
>> http://www.mono-project.com/docs/about-mono/releases/4.4.0/
>> But the rationale is not entirely clear to me. Is it possible to cut down the
>> Yocto image size by removing one of /usr/lib/mono/4.5-api and
>> /usr/lib/mono/4.5, or some other refactoring?
> It looks as though, in my image for the device, I only need /usr/lib/mono/4.5.
> In my custom layer, I've made a mono_4.4.%.bbappend file which contains:
>     # Split /usr/lib/mono/4.5-api off into a separate package.
>     PACKAGES += "${PN}-libs-4.5-api"
>     FILES_${PN}-libs-4.5-api                = "${libdir}/mono/4.5-api/*"
>     FILES_${PN}-libs-4.5                    = "${libdir}/mono/4.5/*"
> My image includes the package mono-libs-4.5 (as it did before when I was 
> using Mono 4.2.x). Now the image size is back to near what it was for Mono 
> 4.2.x, and everything on the target device seems to be running fine.

Thanks Craig. I'll take a look at adding this in

Cheers, Alex

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