Hi Paul.

On 08/22/2016 09:47 AM, Paul Eggleton wrote:
Hi Manju,

Sorry for the delayed reply.

No worries.
On Mon, 15 Aug 2016 17:43:23 Manjukumar Harthikote Matha wrote:
I am trying to build Yocto eSDK with OE_core and meta-xilinx layers.

Having issues while extracting the eSDK, it warns quite a bit on
signature mismatch. Can this happen due to the fact that I am using
external tool chain??

And eventually bails stating
ERROR: Unexpected tasks or setscene left over to be executed:

meta-xilinx/recipes-kernel/linux/linux-xlnx_4.6.bb, do_fetch
meta-xilinx/recipes-kernel/linux/linux-xlnx_4.6.bb, do_unpack
meta-xilinx/recipes-kernel/linux/linux-xlnx_4.6.bb, do_kernel_configme

How do I go about investigating why set scene was corrupted or not
executed correctly while building kernel?

So it looks like linux-xlnx is attempting to build for some reason and yet we
don't expect it to be because it's locked. It may or may not be related to the
use of an external toolchain - I'm not sure because it's not a scenario I have

Thanks YP masters for having bitbake-diffsig. This enabled us to identify the distro settings that were incorrect, specially on UNINATIVE. After we corrected our distro(meta-petalinux) to use this concept, the error disappeared.

We also had to remove some INITRAMFS and IMAGEFSTYPES from the machine as well. We are working on krogoth branch, but I did notice a patch on master to correct this in populate_sdk_ext.

We are able to build and test SDK using external toolchain now and its super cool :)

Is there a way to make tasks for a recipe ARCH specific instead of MACHINE ARCH? For ex: Kernel is packaged as machine specific, however if you do_fetch (and maybe do_patch) could use ARCH specific, then multiple machines belonging to the same ARCH can use it from sstate, instead of downloading it again.

Are the layers / toolchain you are using downloadable, i.e. could I reproduce
the issue here?

Layers and toolchain are available but not for the dev branch which we are working on. It is going through legal-sweep, hence I am unable to share it :(

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